The Sacred Body Apothecary Soul Medicine

Soul Medicine is a new creation from The Sacred Body Apothecary.

Soul Medicine consists of a trinity of handcrafted, organic flower essences of Rose, Tulsi, and Sacred Datura. I have developed a relationship with each of the beautiful flowering plants at different moments in my life, and they have begun to guide me more deeply in my own personal healing journey. I wanted to share this beauty with each of you.

Flower essences are a powerful homeopathic treatment which move towards the mental, emotional and pyscho-spiritual roots of any dis-ease. Each flower is soaked in water while bathing in the sun or moon. The essence of its properties are gently extracted in this way. This exquisite essence is then mixed with organic alcohol and diluted over and over to create Soul Medicine. The final essence has no physical trace of the flower left in it, but rather its medicine is the energetic signature of the bloom. The subtle spirit of the flower is drawn out and its healing properties are bottled in this way.

Each of these beautiful essences move through the etheric realms, working their soft and subtle magic into the deepest aspects of the soul. Each essence speaks to the root cause, and to the mythic stories that pour forth from the deeper layers of one’s being, from the caverns of akashic records, and the winding journey unique to each human soul.

This trinity of Soul Medicine is meant to accompany the larger body of healing work that I engage in through The Sacred Body. With just a few drops on the tongue, the essences may be used as portals to enter subtle realms of being and consciousness. Through embodied meditation, movement medicine, somatic alchemy, journeywork, dreamtime and ceremonial practices, we can use these healing drops to gently transmute and alchemize the sacred soul wounds that are asking for our conscious and flowering awareness. 

The use of these delicate and potent essences cultivates beauty, harmony, synchronicity, healing and love.

This supports the full and integrated process of deeper healing and awakening that is our birthright.

Soul Medicine

Trinity Set $33.00

Soul Medicine consists of a trinity of handcrafted, organic flower essences of Rose, Tulsi, and Sacred Datura. These essences reflect the power of the cycles of life, of Maiden, Mother, and Crone archetypes, and the qualities of creation, sustainment, and dissolution infinitely circulating. These beautiful essences move through the etheric realms, working their soft and subtle magic into the deepest aspects of the soul. This trinity of Soul Medicine is meant to accompany the larger body of healing work that I engage in through The Sacred Body.

With just a few drops on the tongue, the essences may be used as portals to enter subtle realms of being and consciousness. Through embodied meditation, movement medicine, somatic alchemy, journeywork, dreamtime and ceremonial practices, we can use these healing drops to gently transmute and alchemize the sacred soul wounds that are asking for our conscious and flowering awareness. 

Rose Soul Medicine

Rose is a most gentle, graceful, potent medicine for the heart and soul. Rose medicine brings us into the womb of our own creative being, that delicate, sacred, and secret place of rebirth. Through this cave of initiation, Rose gently assists us in the quiet and elegant unfolding of universal love which emanates from the center of each human soul.

Physically, Rose is a powerful cooling medicine, bringing down the heat of stress and anger, easing high blood pressure, and soothing inflammation.

This most beautiful flower of the heart magnifies the qualities of kindness, gentleness and love, helping to dissolve feelings of unworthiness, disappointment, and struggle. This flower softly works upon our deepest soul wounds, helping to transmute the experience of pain, loneliness and desolation into joy, communion, and abundance. This is a flower associated with love in all of its myriad forms.

Rose is also intertwined with the divine feminine nature of the self, Shakti, the rise of the queen, and her manifestations as Maiden, the first of the great trinity of Maiden, Mother, and Crone archetypes.

Tulsi (Holy Basil) Soul Medicine

Tulsi, also known as Holy Basil, is a sustaining medicine, good for all. Tulsi carries the energy of purity and wisdom, allowing for these qualities to expand into harmonic balance through all aspects of the self.

Tulsi synchronizes the movement of the endocrine, immune and nervous systems, which are vital in maintaining the integration and balance of the subtle bodies. This whole body and soul tonic allows for the experience of synchronicity and a profound equilibrium through integrating the many parts of the self into the greater whole of the being.

One of the most revered herbs in India and Ayurveda, Tulsi is considered to be an incarnation of the Divine Mother herself, and the second of the divine trinity, bringing illumination, clarity, sustenance and wisdom. In Christianity, the hills surrounding the tomb of Christ were said to be flooded with Holy Basil, revealing the plants highly spiritual nature.

Sacred Datura Soul Medicine

Sacred Datura is deep medicine for the dark night of the soul. Sacred Datura medicine shines light into the darker places, illuminating the shadow aspects of the self, and bringing us the strength to move into a deeper state of illumination and awakening.

This powerful lunar flower is deeply cleansing and detoxifying. On a physical level it assists with headaches, dizziness, overwhelm. On an emotional level it works with sadness, stress, panic, worry, fear, and addiction.

This flower is associated with Shiva, the third aspect of the great godhead trinity in India, which includes Brahma the creator, and Vishnu the sustainer. Shiva, the destroyer, initiates the cosmic dance of destruction, dissolving the universe back into the fires of creation , symbolizing the play of dynamic and static divine energy. Shiva’s counterpart in female form is Kali with her fierce wisdom, which is the wisdom of experience, and the wisdom of the Crone. The Crone has walked through the valley of shadow, and emerged with the light of wisdom as her torch. The flower and fruits of Sacred Datura are considered holy, and said to have emerged from the chest of Shiva himself.

This is a flower of enormous power and potency. Like the divine Lord Shiva himself, it has the power to bring us into communion with our own darkness, lending us virility to move through the most monumental obstacles of the soul.

Psychoactive by nature, Sacred Datura was associated with the prophesies of Oracle at Delphi.

Sacred Datura is poisonous, and should be handled with care and treated with honor. All Flower Essences are safe for consumption, as they contain no physical trace of the bloom itself, but the etheric signature, which is the homeopathic potency of its healing.