Communal Gatherings | Classes and Workshops
Throughout the year, I offer a limited number of public workshops and gatherings. Below are a list of some previous offerings, which will be offered again. Stay tuned for more details…
Embodied Transformation
This series of laboratory workshops provides an opportunity to engage organically, energetically, and creatively through an exploratory physical practice of Yin Yoga, integrated movement, and subtle body experiencing. How do we engage with the energies and patterns that already exist within the body, embedded inside of the tissues and etched within the nervous system? How do we begin to release some of our own cellular and ancestral psychic holding patterns, setting these energies free to move once again inside of our bodies, and within our own lives? How do we somatically experience the quality of divine mystery and love within our own physical form? How do we charge the body with the sacred, rather than the profane? I invite you into this ongoing journey of experiential learning that brings together body, mind, and spirit, where we open to the opportunity for healing, the descent of grace, and begin to truly plant the seeds for embodied transformation.
Somatic Alchemy and Visionary States
Through a combination of somatic practices, shamanic journeywork, and visioning, this lab explores the relationship between body, inner sight and creation. How do we bring consciousness into body fully, and move more and more from this place? How do we engage the liminal and powerful space between waking and dream worlds? How do we allow the wisdom of the body to guide us into inner portals that reveal hidden meanings and symbols, and bring forth the richest strata of our being?
Body, Land, and Ritual
Tapping deeply into the wisdom of the body, we will enter into the land. Listening to the language of the natural world, we will allow its plants and animals to be our guides and teachers. Using sacred object or huaca as ally, we will engage in the practice of personal ritual as a creative act that reflects our deeper hearts longing, set in alignment with our greater path as an artist, and human being. (This lab continues explorations set forth in Somatic Alchemy and Visionary States, though it is not necessary to have taken both.)