
Systems of Indoctrination
and The Wild Rose of The Soul
Writings on Awakening

by Maré Hieronimus Photography by Jeremy Frindel

We are living through an incredible time of transition. Many, through their own deep trauma and conditioning, are unable to see what is occurring right before our eyes, wearing blinders and standing for a system that has blood on its hands. Many others, grasping out of the terror that has been pushed upon all of us, want the government and its systems of domination and subjugation to take greater control over the life of every single human soul on this planet. 

This will never be the just and good solution, because everyone does not believe in the world that they have projected for us. Many of us live in an entirely different reality, born out of nature, and born from spirit. 

This is a monumental time in human history. 
This is a time to awaken and to witness what is transpiring. The world will never be the same.

In this short compilation of writings I offer an entirely different perspective given by the systems of indoctrination that are propagated by our western society. 

I offer ways for human beings to begin to question the foundations of realty that are held to so tightly by this society, foundations that are accepted as the only possible truth. 

And I offer insight drawn from mystery wisdom teachings from around the world to assist us in our understanding of what the awakening process and experience is, and what it actually looks like. Through this deeper understanding, we initiate the movement back into communion with the wild rose of the soul.

This small book is a tool for those who seek the soul knowledge that this culture cannot provide, in a time when humanity is truly rebirthing itself into two distinct lineages:                  the path of the wild born and free human, and the path of the machine. 

This book is written in honor of every human soul who walks the path back into remembrance, into the great mother of all things, against a ferocious tide. 

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