Dancing has been my lifeblood, the way in which I began to feel my power and my voice as a young woman. It was the way that I spoke when I had no words, the way that I wept and rejoiced, the way that I loved, and above all the way that I communed with the earth, with the cosmos and with the great spirit.
Living fully as a dancer in this world gave me conviction, courage, fortitude. You do not stumble into becoming a dance artist. You give everything you have, and then more, with very little expectation in return, except those fleeting moments when you commune with the divine - an experience that simply cannot be explained, but only felt in the deepest passages of the soul.
This is also what it is to be a mother.
Our son is the greatest gift of our lives.
We give everything, and then more.
I have not had the same intense drive to create since becoming a mother.
But the other day, my dear sister of the plant path, Saraswati Om, suggested that I dance through the sacred points in this sacred land that we have come to find ourselves in, through an incredible series of events. Saraswati has found herself in Iceland, and has been deeply called into communion with that incredible land.
In activating these points, we raise the very vibration of humanity higher, together.
For the first time, my soul truly stirred in this direction again.
In every place, there are these points - where the charge is more powerful, the veil perhaps more thin, the doorway between worlds left open. In these sacred places we can allow our being to reach through the liminal space, to connect to the unseen mysteries, the etheric web that upholds the light in our world. In communing with this light through making our own individual medicine, whatever that may be ( medicines of dance, song, poetry, plant, elementals, dream and visionary) we become a conduit for that light to channel through us. In activating these points, we knit a New Mythology, together.
If we each, in our own way, return this land to the sacred, and return ourselves to the sacred, honoring our shared root, honoring the human and not the machine, honoring the practice of living in courage, and not in fear, in freedom, and not in bondage, in love, and not hate, in unity, and not division,
we will rise, more empowered than ever.
We stand at a great moment in time.
Many of us feel this in the deepest parts of our being, and we are called.
Called to remember our humanity.
Called to remember our sacred root.
Called to remember our divinity.
Called to remember our freedom, and our sacred sovereignty.
I am called to remember our beauty, and I am called to stand in freedom again with the Keepers of the Hearth, and with all of humanity.
If we each, in our own way, return this land to The Sacred, return ourselves to The Sacred, we will rise, more empowered than ever.
This is an Invitation.