The Fall of the Spirits of Darkness - Reflecting upon Rudolf Steiner’s Words in our Time / by Maré Hieronimus

“To be free is to be capable of thinking one's own thoughts – not the thoughts merely of the body, or of society, but thoughts generated by one's deepest, most original, most essential and spiritual self, one's individuality.” – Rudolf Steiner

I am a child of the Waldorf schools.

It is in my breath and in my bones.

It would be true to say I was steeped in the experiential philosophy of its founder, Rudolf Steiner, from the time of my birth, though I would not in any way call myself a scholar of his work.

But I most definitely believe that I feel the very spirit of his teachings, which have helped guide me through the labyrinth of my life.

When we look back into history - all of the truly great visionary human spirits, teachers and philosophers of every era have always been non-conformists, and have lived outside of the frame of what their society deemed as important. As time passes, we place them neatly within their boxes, as the system attempts to forget or erase the true nature of their revolutionary thought and spirit. These great beings and philosophers, including Plato, Lao Tzu, Gautama Buddha, Jesus Christ, Mary Magdalene, Mohammed, Sri Shankaracharya, Hildegard Von Bingen, Krishnamurti, Gurdjieff, Aleksander Solzheniysyn, Sri Aurobindo, Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King, these beings moved in every way against the grain of the cultures in which they were born. Each of these beings were, in the truest sense, freedom fighters - liberators of the body, heart, mind and spirit.

Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) was one of these great souls, who was profoundly aware of the darkness embedded within our civilization.

I understand Steiner to be an incredible intellect, intuitive, Clairvoyant, and genius of profound importance to humankind, particularly within the spiritual life of modern man. He was a student of mystery wisdom, a student of the sublime, a servant of humanity, and above all a servant of beauty and of truth. He was an esoteric teacher of the highest order. His words still ring powerfully strong and true, a century after his death. His schools have sprung up now, all over the world.

He was also the founder of biodynamic farming, and the spiritual science of Anthroposophy. My parents were part of a small community of families who created a Waldorf school to house and guide their children, and I am forever grateful for those seed families who lead the way in the wilder lands of the 1970’s, when life was not so terribly codified and controlled, when rules were softer, more fluid, when all things perhaps felt simpler, or so I imagine.

Waldorf was the only educational world I knew for the bulk of my childhood. The curriculum submerged me into the experience of nature and the sublime creative living force within every sentient being. It introduced me to the realm of the spirit world. It guided me into the understanding that life is a divine and ever-unfolding mystery, a journey to be lived fully, freely, and ever closer to the pulse of nature, and in ever more direct relation to spirit.

Within the Steiner school - I felt invited to explore the intuitive and natural corridors of my own being in relationship to a community that valued every life within it. We celebrated the movement of the cycles of the stars, planets and seasons through celestial festivals which served to mark, year after year, one’s evolving relationship to the earth, and to the sacred flame within each living soul. We played music, we ran, we climbed trees, we made things with our hands and with our hearts, we experienced laughter, joy, and above all - a sense of freedom.

In Steiner’s own words - “Our highest endeavor must be to develop free human beings who are able of themselves to impart purpose and direction to their lives. The need for imagination, a sense of truth, and a feeling of responsibility—these three forces are the very nerve of education.”

Of course, there were aspects of the school that I struggled with, including the Eurythmy method which I never fully embraced (though I later felt it’s profound effect upon my life and intrinsic movement as a dancer). The smallness of the school also eventually felt stifling as I got older and began to outgrow the boundaries of the community. But as I entered into my early adolescence, it was the sense of being cut off from society at large that felt increasingly lonely and deeply isolating.

I am now incredibly grateful for this separation, as it truly served as a protection from what I have come to feel, in the words of Krishnamurti, is a profoundly sick society. But it was hard to fully comprehend that then as a girl who wanted so much to be a part of the world.

As a young adult I took it upon myself to read some of Rudolf Steiner’s books, including Theosophy, Art in the Light of Mystery Wisdom, and Cosmic Memory, alongside other profoundly important essays and lectures, including The Fall of the Spirits of Darkness.

From Theosophy I learned the spiritual foundations of Anthroposophy, which are

inter-related to Yogic Philosophy and Cosmology. These philosophies helped to form my evolving relationship to the subtle realms, giving shape to the ethereal and ephemeral experience of energy and spirit, with the fundamental principle being that the world emanates from the subtle strata into the gross, from spirit into mater. This world is born from the ethers.

From Art in the Light of Mystery Wisdom, I learned, from Steiner’s perspective, the very purpose and function of creation, which is to serve in the unfolding of the spiritual life of both the artist, and the one who beholds the art. From the Anthroposophical perspective, Art also functions as a vehicle into the spirit realms, and the invisible nature of sublime human experience.

From Cosmic Memory, I was introduced to the notion of the prehistory of the human race from the Anthroposophical perspective, including our relationship to Lemuria and Atlantis. This speaks to the perspective (which is also shared by the Hindu and Vedic cultures of India) that humanity is part of a much larger arc of evolution set in motion eons upon eons ago. From the viewpoint of this alternate timeline, there have been multiple civilizations and worlds which have grown and collapsed long before what we accept today as our own ancient human story. Our human history has been codified by people who know nothing of this great and ancient past, people who present this story as the only truth, when in fact, there are many who believe otherwise. This is truly the case for countless topics in our day and age.

I take all of this information in, and I hold it up to the flame of my own felt gnosis and experience. All, as I have continued to grow and gather knowledge that I move to transform into wisdom along the path of my own life. This is what Waldorf taught me - to be wildly open and curious, to explore everything, to consider all perspectives, as I honor the unfolding beauty and mystery of life.

This is the mystery path, unfolding itself.

I do not hold Steiner as the only word of truth, but I do hold him as a great authority on matters of the spirit. I will always consider his perspective and philosophy, and I will always heed his words of warning, including and most especially his rare and prophetic statements. I will always investigate these perspectives whole-heartedly, and with a humble sincerity, for he was inarguably deeply tapped into the subtler spiritual forces at play within our world, forces that mass swaths of human beings are entirely unaware of.

Steiner spoke very clearly in his lectures about a pivotal turning point that humanity would come to face within the near future of our time. This in particular is detailed within his writings around the rise of Ahriman, and the building of the Eighth Sphere - an alternate and fabricated false reality of existence which would be interwoven with the world of technology, whose very foundations would be in direct opposition to principles of life, of the natural world, and principles of the sacred.

His writings from The Fall of the Spirits of Darkness are some of the most important of his works in terms of warning humanity of what he perceived as the very real war to come - a war of all against all.

Below, he speaks prophetically of the dawn of technology as the movement into the fall, and an integral piece of this great war:

“The commercial, industrial and technological civilization which is now in its beginnings harbors elements which will lead to the decline and fall. And we only see things straight and face reality if we admit that we are here beginning to work on something which must lead to catastrophe. This is what it means to enter into iron necessity. It is not a matter of avoiding things but of getting a clear picture, real insight into the iron necessities of human evolution. Human beings will need to live with inner impulses which they still prefer to ignore today, for these go against the good life they want.”

-Rudolf Steiner – GA 177 – Fall of the spirits of darkness – Lecture 4: The Elemental Spirits of Birth and Death – Dornach, 6 October 1917

He also spoke very specifically about the dangers of future Vaccines from a spiritual perceptive, and the rise of what he called “scientific materialism”, that is to say, a tendency within the consciousness of man to literally cut spirit out of the human being, all in the name of progress.

“ The time will come, and it may not be far off, that people will say: It is pathological for people to even think in terms of spirit and soul. ‘Sound’ people will speak of nothing but the body. It will be considered a sign of illness for anyone to arrive at the idea of any such a thing as a spirit or a soul.

People who think like that will be considered to be sick and — you can be quite sure of it — a medicine will be found for this. At Constantinople the spirit was made non-existent. The soul will be made non-existent with the aid of a drug. Taking a ‘sound point of view’, people will invent a Vaccine to influence the organism as early as possible, preferably as soon as it is born, so that this human body never even gets the idea that there is a soul and a spirit...

“The two philosophies of life will be in complete opposition. One movement will need to reflect how concepts and ideas may be developed to meet the reality of soul and spirit.

The others, the heirs of modern materialism, will look for the vaccine to make the body ‘healthy’, that is, makes its constitution such that this body no longer talks of such rubbish as soul and spirit, but takes a ‘sound’ view of the forces which live in engines and in chemistry and let planets and suns arise from nebulae in the cosmos. Materialistic physicians will be asked to drive the souls out of humanity.”

- Rudolf Steiner – GA 177 – Fall of the Spirits of Darkness – Lecture 5 – Dornach, 7th October 1917

Indeed, the Waldorf schools themselves were established as a tool to combat the descent of scientific materialism, and as an antidote, a remedy, to the rise of the Ahrimanic force. The purpose of the education of the whole child is in part to infuse a generation of souls with the spiritual vision to actually bear witness to what is occurring, in greater or lesser degrees, within the etheric and spirit realms, and as the Ahrimanic forces rise.

Steiner described this force as culminating in an actual incarnation of a being who balances out the trinity of Lucifer - Christ - Ahriman. Many believe that we are in this critical time period now, in the time of the rise of Ahriman. This force, as is the nature of all true evil, disguises itself as good and cloaks itself within the light.

But the Ahrimanic force is a complete inversion of all that is good, and can be perceived easily through the study of occult symbology, for those who are deeply curious.

Steiner writes :

“Humanity on earth cannot escape this incarnation of Ahriman. It will come inevitably. But what matters is that men shall find the right vantage-point from which to confront it.

Whenever preparation is being made for incarnations of this character, we must be alert to certain indicative trends in evolution. A Being like Ahriman, who will incarnate in the West in the time to come, prepares for this incarnation in advance. With a view to his incarnation on the earth, Ahriman guides certain forces in evolution in such a way that they may be of the greatest possible advantage to him. And evil would result were men to live on in a state of drowsy unawareness, unable to recognize certain phenomena in life as preparations for Ahriman’s incarnation in the flesh.

The right stand can be taken only by recognizing in one or another series of events the preparation that is being made by Ahriman for his earthly existence. And the time has now come for individual men to know which tendencies and events around them are machinations of Ahriman, helping him to prepare for his approaching incarnation. “

-Rudolf Steiner – GA 191 – Lucifer and Ahriman – Man’s Responsibility for the Earth Lecture 1 – Dornach, 1st November, 1919

With the rise of the current regime and era, we bear witness to a level of control that I have never before seen in my life.

The free will of the human being, the ability to connect with one’s own divine purpose and guiding force, is a foundation of Steiner’s work, and infused within the system of the Waldorf Schools. This is not a system based upon obedience, this is a system based upon freedom of exploration, being, and spirit.

Again, in his own words -

“When one or another person has insisted: Dr. Steiner has said that such and such ought to be done, then this means that such and such a person wants to deliver up the free will to foreign influence, to let this will be determined, not by himself, but by someone else; he wants to make someone else responsible for instilling into the physical world a willingness to allow the free will to be fettered.

“Whenever people give way to fatalism instead of making decisions through their own power of judgment, they show their inclination to the Eighth Sphere. And everything that passes in this way into the Eighth Sphere disappears from Earth evolution, does not go forward in the right way with Earth evolution.” –

-Rudolf Steiner – The Occult Movement in the Nineteenth Century, Schmidt number S:3137

Whatever one believes about the truth of the nature of our time, it is clear to see that Steiner’s work challenges the very foundations of modern civilization itself, as all great spiritual philosophers do. This includes the use of vaccines, the perception of our superiority over nature, our movement to dominate one another, the rise of the world of technology which must be related to the dawn of the internet of all things and the very birth of Artificial Intelligence, and now, we witness the stripping of free will and natural law.

All of this has caused ever greater separation from the Spirit realms.

This is plain to see.

Given these elements, I find it extremely difficult not to perceive the incredible parallels of what Rudolf Steiner was warning humanity against, and what we are facing in our current time on Earth. Those who cannot see these parallels, I question the level of your ability to observe the forces at play.

We are now told that we are only allowed to believe the narratives of the mainstream allopathic models, that questioning is cause for silencing, and that following another path outside of their domain is a danger to the system, which must be protected at all costs. Let us make no mistake, the censorship that we bear witness to is a direct product of the Biden regime in collusion with Big tech. This administration has asked these platforms to silence and ban all dissenting voices moving against their narrative, “all for our own good”, along side the attempted stripping of free will and bodily sovereignty.

One Narrative, One World, One Order, One Reality.

We are told that we are only allowed to believe in this one reality, which is increasingly interrelated to a strange and virtual world.

If we do not believe in the splendor of this virtual ‘meta” world, an Eighth Sphere of sorts, then we are increasingly being labeled as dissidents of the state.

I find this absolutely terrifying. In a free society, there is no justification of this.

We no longer live in a truly free society.

So, when I see Waldorf schools of our day and age simply bowing down without conversation to the New Normal, which is the Great Reset Agenda pushed by the profoundly corrupt World Economic Forum, which is the One World Global Governance, which is the New World Order - as they call it in their own words - which is the rise of the forces of domination and totalitarian control, backed by the current regime, which reflect the Ahrimanic force itself, I am beside myself with disbelief, and truly heartbroken.

When I see people within these communities promoting the stripping of choice of personal medical decisions that are between a human being, their doctor, and their god alone, when I see not a single soul from my Waldorf past standing up for health freedom and bodily sovereignty, all foundations of Free Will, I feel a profound and deep disappointment over what the institution of the Waldorf school has become. It feels as though it has been largely assimilated into the sickness of our culture, sleeping alongside the masses, without a single conversation or battle.

I pray that I am wrong.

For in Steiner’s own words - “For every human illness, somewhere in the world there exists a plant which is the cure. I believe that there is a healing potential locked inside plants which is integral with their evolution, just as it is part of human evolution to learn to tap this wonderful gift of Nature.”

These Steiner communities were the communities who at the very least were supposed to embrace a naturopathic, homeopathic and holistic approach to health and to wellness, founded upon thousands and thousands of years of understanding the human being as a miraculous and integral part of nature herself.

These are the human beings that are supposed to honor all life forms and all living sentient creatures, and honor the movement of free will within them.

These are the human beings who are supposed to be teaching their children about freedom of soul and spirit, and the sacred order of all living things.

When one attempts to dominate another living soul - one aligns with a very dark force indeed.

Whether one chooses to inoculate themselves with a risky experimental gene serum which absolutely does not, nor has it ever stopped infection or transmission, with a growing list of side effects whose long-term repercussions remain entirely unknown, must be a personal choice. The moment you move to make that choice for another sentient being - the very forces that you have aligned with are Ahrimanic by nature, as they are based upon principles of domination which move in direct opposition to free will and natural law. That is the most simple fundamental line.

If one does not possess the honor and basic integrity to stand for freedom of choice, regardless of one’s own personal medical decisions - one is aligning themselves with scientific materialism, reflecting a hubris and an arrogance that is unworthy of souls who proclaim to be on the mystery path, the path of truth, and the path of life itself.

One is moving in direct opposition to the sacred order of all things, and has placed themselves firmly on the wrong side of history.

At the very least, we must begin to understand that the forces on the rise now are simply not benevolent. It is imperative that we quickly move to identify the forces that are attempting to dominate, which are by nature Ahrimanic, from the Steiner perspective.

I invite those within the Waldorf and Anthroposophical communities to truly consider whether aligning with these dark forces of control are for the highest good of humanity.

I invite these souls to inquire within their own heart, mind and intellect, if standing with medical totalitarianism is the path Rudolf Steiner himself would have taken.

In my own humble opinion, I do not believe that it is.