Now is the time of the great return.
Now is the time of the rise of the divine feminine, once again.
Now is the time of remembrance of her hidden ways so that we might make ourselves whole, so that we might fully embody her grace, her gentle and fierce wisdom, her compassion, her power, and her ecstasy.
For so long she has been in exile, both within the world, and within ourselves. This exile has caused a great sorrow in all hearts. For she is the expression of the dance of life itself, she is divine love, she is the force of nature, she is the cosmic dance that the divine masculine longs to merge with, to protect, and to uphold.
These wisdom truths are embedded within cosmic experience, and within nature herself. When we take up her divine spark, we move to a rhythm that is far beyond the confines of our civilization and the small labels we attempt to hide behind. We move beyond the falsehoods, into the embodied truth of her beauty and grace, which is not the grace of a man, who has his own special and powerful archetypal reality.
No, the woman’s template is different.
And even now, people talk about powerful women, and yet the women celebrated display qualities of masculinity. And men, they demand now to be called women too, replacing us, exiling us once again into anonymity. And we forget, we forget so easily who we are. This forgetting is interwoven with our internal power.
We forget the power contained within the cycles of the moon, reflected within our own sacred bodies, we forget the cry of the womb, we forget what it is to live and to love in a pure ocean of feeling, in deep and profound sensation of all things, without fear, without self-loathing, without self-degradation. We forget the labyrinth of her secret and sacred ways, which are not like the ways of men. The very notion of pretending that they are is an act of defilement, and a continued erasure of her.
I ask you, beautiful woman - what is it to stand in your sacred birthright, in all the beauty that you contain, and let it flow forth like the great ocean itself?
Now is the time of the great remembering, because a woman’s body, a woman’s power, a woman’s beauty is intertwined with that sacred ocean, and the incredible depths through which we have the capacity to swim, as we touch birth and death, both, within the time of the moon.