The Awakened and Sovereign Consciousness / by Maré Hieronimus


The people who fell the very hardest for this mass movement into an incredible and ongoing singular propaganda narrative over the last year and a half are the overly educated liberal bourgeoisie.

This has been very clear.

Within this mind state there seems to be absolutely no room for questioning authority anymore. There is no room for creative or critical thought outside the box of this authoritarian regime. Within this mind state one must completely obey the authoritarians or is quickly labeled crazy, or a conspiracy theorist (CIA terminology to undermine and shut down the inquisitive mind). All this is being propagated by the major bourgeois papers, NYTimes being the pinnacle of this consciousness.

What this says to me is that these people are land locked into their intellectual terrain, completely unable to connect with their gut and innate somatic wisdom which is a tool for truth resonance. The mind of this consciousness takes what the elite outlets say as the absolute and only truth, while never doing any independent research of their own.

Pre-Nazi Germany also had a vibrant intellectual elite who bought completely into the propaganda narratives of their times. They also had the golden intellectual culture of the day, they were “highly civilized”, and felt their own deep cultural and intellectual superiority. This is a trademark of this state of consciousness - an assumed intellectual superiority cloaked in righteousness, and the need to dominate.

All of this is indoctrination.

All of this is conditioning.

All of this demonstrates the reality of a human being who has been entirely cut off from their innate bodily wisdom, and the feeling of truth in the vibration of their cells, and in the signals of their gut brain. This is a tragedy for these human beings, except this mind state is extremely dangerous and fascist.

This is why I wrote Systems of Indoctrination and the Wild Rose of the Soul ~ to help humans who are open to seeing the profound and complete indoctrination that we all have been put through by a system based upon principles of domination and subordination. And to give tools for sovereignty and awakening, exiting the matrix of the “superior intellect”, entering the matrix of bodily wisdom and the heart. The body does not lie, but the intellect and ego lie all the time.

This is a profound movement into healing, sovereignty, self responsibility, and most importantly, the allowance of other soul paths, which is the true sign of an awakened consciousness. The awakened and sovereign consciousness does not seek to control others, but seeks only to heal and master the self.

Control is the language of barbarians and totalitarians.

This is the inversion of reality that we live in, where those who seek greater control are said to be righteous, and those who let others be and move in their own unique and individual ways are dissident and criminal.

This is the Kali Yuga