Breaking the Spell / by Maré Hieronimus


Half the country has effectively been put under a spell, a curse, a hex. I say this quite literally. The use of repetitive fear mongering language and imagery, the constant inundation of hatred for the archetypal other, the stranger, the paranoia around an invisible enemy that is anywhere and everywhere, that entirely infuses the blessed air that we breath, that creeps inside ones sacred body and overtakes it if we do not obey the government. This spell perpetuates the fear that the body is innately dirty, disease ridden by its very nature, and deserves to suffocate, that the only solution is the germ theory, a warmongers theory based upon the premise that this world is entirely unsafe and only big government and its very specific branch of ordained “science” can swoop in to save us now.

This spell demands that one give over all sense of self, sovereignty and personal responsibility to government. But if you are maimed or killed in this process of giving yourself over, the government will not be responsible. The government will not provide support, nor will the government admit it’s wrongdoing. It will only gaslight you. This spell dictates that the injected, the obedient, and the powers that currently reign, are not and will never be responsible.

How obscene.

This spell insists that the only responsible party is the other, “the stranger”, the one who dares to maintain a thread of individual sovereignty and selfhood, the one who takes refuge in plant, herbal medicine, nature, true natural immunity, and spirit, the one who does not bow down to the golden calf of “science”, the one who uses Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine, the one who says I will not live my life in total terror, the one who says my body is a sacred organism that is more powerful than you will ever know, the one who dares to walk in freedom and in beauty when they tell us that this is not allowed.

This spell insists that the total abnegation of self-responsibility, self-healing, self-awareness, self-expansion is the only answer to this world issue, to the point where those captive by this great sorcery are willing to stand by, and watch, or worse - participate - as they witness the liberty being stripped from those who the spell simply does not work upon- for whatever mysterious reason.

I have contemplated why this is for a very long time.

Fear is a most powerful weapon of control.

It is a masquerade, a grand sorcery, a mirage, where all logic and decency have been tossed out the window since the very beginning - since The Ferguson Model that told us to lockdown the planet, a model which was so embarrassingly and obscenely wrong. But it does not matter, because the spell lives on the in the faulty PCR, in the myth of a-symptomatic spread, that a perfectly healthy human being is a disease vector and must be held captive indefinitely. The spell lives on in the attempted erasure of the existence of excellent treatments long before the injections. And the spell lives on in the refusal to admit that these experimental gene therapy drugs are killing thousands, injuring hundreds of thousands, and do not stop transmission.

In truly comprehending any one of the facts listed above, or any of the other grand and countless fabrications that have been spun as the single and only truth - a web of lies that keep the willing spellbound and utterly captured in obedience - in truly shining light on any of these beautiful and simple truths - one has the ability to begin to break the spell.

Liberation is only a step away, for those who want it.

One by one, the spell must be broken.

Take courage.