Majesty of the Wild and Raw / by Maré Hieronimus

As I look out upon this wild meadow, I am struck by how completely divorced most of us have become from the cycles of nature, and the cycles of life itself. Lying upon this earth, listening to the whistle of the wind, feeling the hot sun pouring down as I bask in the cool shade of a cottonwood tree, my family by my side, I feel held in her complete embrace.

But most of us could never survive in this land if we were cast out into it - because most of us have lost all skills related to human survival that have been past down through our ancestors for generations upon generations.

Most of us do not know how to grow our own food, to forage, fish and hunt, to make medicine and tend the soil, and to become true stewards of the land. Most of us do not know how to weave and to sew, to weld and craft, to carve and fashion from the strength and intuitive brilliance of our own two hands. We have washed ourselves clean of nature’s great embrace, and we exist as dependents upon a system which provides food, water and air that is poisoned, medicine that is toxic, and a life that is unlived.

Most of us have forgotten how to truly sing a hymn, dance a divine dance, speak with truth on the tongue, listen to the soul.

Most of us have forgotten how to weep,

how to love, and how to stand in the face of evil.

We have divorced ourselves so entirely from the living soil that we imagine we exist outside of its cosmic order. With our screens and our machines, our drugs and our dictators, we have placed all faith in the greatness of our intellect, and in doing so, sent into exile the intuitive wisdom of the divine feminine force. The great intellects of our time, centered in the city that never sleeps, ridicule those who have kept their connection flowing to the land, to the flora and fauna, calling them naive, ignorant, uneducated, backwards. And yet, these are the human beings who could survive exile, who could survive cultural extraction, who could survive a medical apartheid.

As we stand on this cusp and imagine the unimaginable things that this administration my attempt to do in the name of “health”, in the name of their one world empire - I look to those souls, raw and wild, in the land and of the land, who have never forgotten.

For we all may need their help now.