Much of what keeps so many of us captive within our lives, and within the matrix system itself, is the internalized projections we experience from culture, friends, and family that then have the effect of self limiting who we believe we can truly become. We internalize these projections because we love people, and it is easy to give away power to those we love, and because we want so much also to be loved.
Love is the true deep currency of the world, and the withholding of love in the favor of condemnation, judgement or flat out abandonment can be one of the most painful experiences that we may each endure.
When we are born into situations where love is scarce, or where love is weaponized ( which truly most all of us have experienced to greater or lesser degrees ) we suffer the affliction of a starvation of the most basic nourishment of the soul. We come to believe that love is something to be bartered for, that we must change ourselves to receive it, because its very existence is rare. This is an inversion of the truth, the great forgetting, for love is actually that which binds the cosmos together like droplets of water. For what nourishment is truly more powerful than love? As a child this is the single most important ingredient in life, along side basic shelter, pure water, and fresh food.
Most of us learn ways of adapting from this starvation, for the human spirit is ever resilient. We attempt to change ourselves to shift the projections of others, or perhaps we become more of the projection itself to create the potential for an energetic resolution to the conflict. The soul is ultimately always looking toward deeper resolution over time, just as the body is always directed towards self healing. This is an expression of our inherent and innate cosmic wisdom.
These are all natural human experiences that are outgrowths of a deeper soul trauma.
These great and gaping wounds are truly ancestral by nature - past down generationally and through our lineages. They express our lack of orientation to the life principle - which is bound together by universal love. We experience our wounded lineages as the darkest chasms within each of us. Within this chasm is a world devoid of love, one that is cold, dry and without potential.
But when we come to understand what our own felt experience is, when we come to begin to digest our own traumas through the sacred fires of life, when we allow ourselves to feel fully, when we come to “know thyself” more and more, we begin to honor the unique ways in which our own soul expresses its infinite wisdom and beauty - despite the judgement of others. We can experience this even and especially through our own dark night - where we come to know more deeply the profound, exquisite, and enormous journey that we each have been on.
Through this gnosis - this sacred inner felt knowledge - we come to listen to the inner voice more and more - regardless of what culture and society might say, and regardless of the enormous judgements that we might feel on a daily basis. We come to enter into the cooling waters of the cosmic pulse, a balm to the deepest chasms experienced within the dark night, and though we may have been abandoned, we understand even through this deep suffering that we have never been alone. This is the great homecoming. This is the great process that Carl Jung calls individuation. To know thy self is to come to know the world, in all of its manifestations.
Human beings who are incapable of truly working with their own shadow will not allow for another’s transformation. They will hold to their projections for dear life. These projections serve the function of keeping people safe within the confines of their reality.
Whole communities who are incapable of accepting multiple world views and realities will not permit another reality to coexist.
The transformations that we may experience in relationship to those around us, and to the world at large, necessitate that they also have to evaluate their own life and path, and shift in order to stay in relationship, and this is often simply too much to ask of those embedded within their ancestral trauma, and the matrix system itself. And we must let them go their way.
Through this individuation process we come to truly know ourselves. We do not give away our power so easily, but rather we hold it as our own internal secret and sacred flame. We come to sing the song of the self. We separate from the consensus state, we no longer need the deep and unending approval and love of others, for we have plugged into the cosmic source and unplugged from the matrix. Through this incredible act of transmutation and rebirth - we begin to live our lives in all of our unique beauty, and glory.
We begin to understand that other people’s projections of who we are have no real basis in reality. These projections are simply undigested trauma making itself known - and are actually an invitation to those who might live in ongoing condemnation to delve deeper into their own ancestral ruptures. This is the invitation into healing the sacred wound.
Through this individuation process, we begin to have a wider range of experiences, and we begin to loosen our own definitions of who we believe ourselves to fundamentally be. We no longer identify only with the small labels that culture increasingly hoists upon us, for the soul is so much greater than these tiny little labels. How can one cage the true majesty of the spirit?
How can one pretend that this majesty is so small? In this holy and sacred space of the unknown, we come closer and closer into the presence of divine mystery.
We as the the midwives of the New Earth must continually bathe in these sacred waters.
We must continually allow ourselves to be healed and replenished as the waters are deep and wide and the doorway has been cast open for all of us.
Through this replenishment, we remember who we are. There is no mistake that each of us is here. We have answered the call, and the call does not bow down to petty judgment.
Let us live in this sacred understanding and gnosis, letting it unfold in all directions as we channel the energies into the birth of the New Earth.