Since I have left the Left, I have opened my eyes to an entirely different reality.
Those on the left who still cling tightly to the righteousness of their stances have abandoned me, as I have been - and remain - a fearless investigator of truth. Truth is not a friend to the new left. Censorship is the law of their land. Truth is now the enemy that they target, tear down, and attempt to demolish.
Family members no longer engage me, multiple long time “friends” have unfollowed and abandoned me - simply because I wanted to engage the conversations and the dialogues that were impossible for them to engage.
I do not speak this from a place of regret or longing. I feel my integrity, my soul, is largely in tact. This is not about desiring sympathy for the multiple relationships that have been obliterated in the wake of 2020, this is about grappling, and coming to terms with the fact that the left is an elite club, a bourgeoisie cult who have become the faithful servants of the darkest power brokers of our time.
And, they do it all believing in their pure superiority. Many, if not most of my former community is a part of this cult.
And I have had to let them all go.
In my walking away from the left I have become increasingly horrified, as many have, by what we bear witness to. I remember hearing Noam Chomsky and Michael Moore, among every other democratic politician - saying the unvaccinated should be shipped off to camps.
Meanwhile, the left stood by as Soros funded BLM provided bricks to shatter and destroy the lives of countless innocent. And as the left screams for Trans rights - countless children are receiving puberty blockers and having their body carved up - “gender affirming surgery” they call it, while they advocate for the erasure of biology, Women’s safe space, and the sanctity of the womb.
And now, as a manufactured war is being proliferated in Europe by the global power brokers and human traffickers and true neo nazis of our time, the left cheers it on as if righteous. It is difficult to fathom the disconnect.
These are conversations that need to be had, but those on the left - guided by Soros funded media, are incapable of allowing themselves to even speak about the atrocities that the globalist blue cult has been proliferating.
Meanwhile anyone who speaks against them is an enemy of the state - a domestic terrorist. I remember the darling of the left AOC saying that everyone who voted for Trump should be put on a list for future reference.
This is the talk of fascists.
And she was cheered on.
All of these fascist fools were cheered on by the left base.
The freedom coalition that is being born is a coalition of true independent spirits from all walks of life. Many of them are conservative - because conservatives care about liberty, family, and freedom. Many of them are libertarians and independents of course, as well. And the smaller and growing group are those like myself - who were abandoned and targeted by the blue cult.
We were demonized - because we simply questioned the safety and efficacy of their pharmaceutical products and their draconian policies. That questioning, in the mind of the new leftist, is not to be tolerated.
Many want the reality of this all to just disappear. But we cannot look into the eyes of the beast without acknowledging what has occurred, and what continues to occur. This most fundamental acknowledgment is our first step towards a human heart, and brings us into the realm of the soul voice. Any human being operating from the realm of heart and spirit would disavow the atrocities listen above. For these offenses are inhumane and being guided by ignorance, darkness, and fear.
And so it will be.
I wish for all the soul power to be able to address within their own heart the discrepancies and lies that we have lived through as a collective.
I wish for all the humility and fortitude to move into a higher relationship to the sphere of truth. From this small and revolutionary act, great things will be born.
There is new light at the break of dawn, and it’s coming strong towards us all as we walk through the darkest hours of this night.
A wish for all to behold it’s brilliance. 💫