Join Us / by Maré Hieronimus

What I would say to the lifelong “liberal” struggling to understand why there has been a mass exodus from the Democratic Party, and what people like myself are so desperately attempting to transmit to you, is this :

Every single cause that you have placed value in has been absolutely captured by the corporate globalist elite who do not care about you.

They do not care about your health, they do not care about the environment, they do not care about trans rights, and they do not care about racial equality.

Each and every one of these causes is being used to further their agenda - which is an agenda of one world governance and biomedical control using Digital ID and other such mapping devices to funnel us towards a transhuman society, which will be a slavery.

This agenda is plainly written and celebrated through the World Economic Forum and other such entities, who serve the unelected power elite of our time.

Each of your causes has been twisted and made grotesque as they use our unhealed wounds and traumas against us, as they invert all that is good and sacred and whole within this world, and as they pretend to be the saviors to our ongoing and various states of chaos, degradation, violence and victimhood.

These are all states which they have directly created.

They have made you hate the other with so much violent ferocity that you have become the perpetrator. When the victim becomes the abuser, the cycle is complete, and it perpetuates itself.

You thought you were standing for Mother Earth, for love, for justice and truth, when in reality these causes are not reflected in the corporate global structures that you now stand behind, and bow down to.

And when your lifeblood has been used by the globalists, you will also be tossed out, and you will be left for dead.

You are disposable to them, just as we are.

Who are we?

You have been made to believe that we are the danger, the enemy.

Who are we?

We are the true counter-culturalists, the constitutionalists, the truth seekers, the mystics, and the freedom keepers.

We are your brothers and your sisters.

We are your sons and your daughters.

We are your neighbors and your friends.

We are a wild and soul-filled group of individuals who above all value sovereignty and freedom, and do not take our orders from a corrupt government.

And we are the ones who are gong to save this world.

Join us.