Truth Rising / by Maré Hieronimus

The darkest among us are cunning beasts. They would never admit their cruelty, their narcissism, their authoritarianism, because that gives them away. They will fight till the very end, betraying any lost presence of their better nature, and they will pretend that they are fighting for justice.

This is true on an individual level, and on a global level as well. This is a how psychopaths work. Why psychopaths exist, I do not know. But they do.

They invert the truth and the reality of what is occurring. They project blame upon the innocent, they gaslight real and valid concerns, they name call, slander and move to completely cancel or erase good and honest sentient beings, and if one directly challenges their authority, they move to destroy. They demonize the truly humble, beautiful, and righteous. This has always been so, since the beginnings of time.

One’s ability to see the darkness outside of themselves relates to one’s capacity to sit with their own shadow. These are interlinked, and are the very chains that bind us. This is why shadow work is the most important work a human being can do to raise themself up. Without this fundamental work, without knowing thyself, mass swaths of human beings remain entirely blind to the darkness both within, and without. Those incapable of this digestion of shadow are easily seduced by psychopaths and narcissists, and fall prey to their own lesser nature. They become willing sacrifices for narcissistic personalities. They are easily led astray by dictators who call themselves benevolent. There are so many examples of this happening on our planet right now that it is impossible to name them all.

We are living in a time of spiritual deprivation and the inversion of truth, where most human beings have been fully severed from their own enormous beauty and extraordinary power. We are made to believe that this small reality that is projected for us by a group of elite psychopaths is the only reality - when in truth we perceive only a fraction of the phenomenal world. There are beings all around us, there is cosmic energy pulsing endlessly through the etheric field, and we are born of this divine field as it descends into matter.

The spirit lands are our true home.

But we have been made to believe that these sacred lands do not exist.

We have been made to believe that the world of matter and flesh is the only and ultimate world. And this has always been the great lie.

As within, so without, as above, so below.

The truth is so much greater than most of us can possibly understand through our closed and fractured minds.

When one liberates oneself from their own internal dictator - one begins to see through the eyes of the spirit the dark ones who are walking this earth, pretending to be gods.

Their power is limited, and their time is coming to an end - for more and more of humanity is beginning to experience the truth of it all.

And the truth always prevails.

Blessed Rising