The River of the Unknown and The Light of Truth / by Maré Hieronimus

Our relationship to the experience of truth is one of the most important relationships we can cultivate in our lives. It serves to separate those who live in perpetual denial and under a cloud of illusion, with those who live in a more porous and open state, where one begins to comprehend that the light of truth is something that we must continually aspire towards. This aspiration includes learning to be comfortable in a state of questioning, which is ultimately a state of humility where we admit that we do not possess all the answers. Through these experiences we begin to learn to accept and embrace the very existence of mystery and the unknown.

To live in relationship to mystery and the unknown is to exist within a state of perpetual growth and expansion, where we fall in love with the process and the beauty of revelation. This in turn serves to connect us to a web of gradual illumination and liberation from our delusions, as we move through the metamorphosis of soul individuation.

As I get older, I fear less and less the experience of not knowing, as I learn to embrace the journey that leads me towards the wisdom of my truth experience, which is ultimately embodied and somatic. Truth is a resonance felt within the body. But what I do fear is the raw ignorance of those who refuse to engage their humility, and believe that they possess the single and only truth. This, above all else, is the seed which leads to domination and the justification of true evil.

These last years have revealed to us who is capable of sitting within a space of questioning and the unknown, and who is not yet capable of this enormous task. It has shown a direct light upon those minds who cling to a single answer which is usually dictated to them, rather than holding an open space of curiosity where all perspectives are truly honored, and given a place at the table. It has revealed the difference between true seekers, and charlatans - that is to say - those who claim themselves to be on the path of spiritual awakening, and those who actually are walking that path.

Without the courage to embrace mystery, the unknown, and the humility that must accompany the seeking of truth, there is no path to speak of. It is but a meandering delusion which serves to keep human beings locked in a tyranny of the known. Those who are locked within this self imposed tyranny easily fall prey to dictators and fascists, because the space and place of the known is the place of great illusion. It moves in direct opposition to the principles of the living.

At the table of humanity, there is always space.

Within the circle of life, the great mystery is the energy that infuses all beings.

The river of the unknown flows towards the light of truth, and illuminates as it goes.