Understanding the Bifurcation / by Maré Hieronimus

The most meaningful and salient factor dividing humanity in the very near future will not be black or white, trans or cis, Christian or Muslim. These perceived divisions will become more and more meaningless in the face of what is to come. The most salient factor will be those who merge with artificial intelligence and the machine, and those who do not, remaining organic and whole in their conception and makeup.

I understand that this is very difficult for countless human beings to conceive of, but this is the moment that we have arrived at. In order to perceive this truth, we must open our wider vision, and dare to look deeper into the trajectory that we are on. We already now possess working knowledge around the mechanisms of genetic modification, and are using “gene therapy” en masse to fight a virus with a 99.8% survival rate. These gene serums, or “genetic platforms”, which do alter our makeup, will be offered in multiple forms and for countless ailments.

Just as we have tampered with the genetic code of our food - we are and will be tampering with the sacred code of our own DNA. Many questions have arisen around this incredible moment in human history. When we enter into this territory, do our modified genes become patentable?

Do they now become property of the state?

Do we, then, become property of the state?

Are we no longer natural born humans when such modifications occur?

We add to this our ever developing technology, which is moving closer and closer to the moment where it fully penetrates the skin. A portion of humanity will inevitably merge with the machine. Indeed it already has in many places. Some Swedish companies have been microchipping employees for years. “Wearables”, the current collection of gadgets including glasses, watches, as well as phones, monitor biometrics and collect human data, uploading our vital life information into a centralized operating control system, an artificial network or cloud of information which can easily be manipulated and used for nefarious purposes. This is a movement into the ultimate surveillance state, where human thought, feeling and emotion can be increasingly tracked and utilized.

In this incoming world, our own private space, the most sacred and secret thoughts that we engage in, will no longer fully be private, and may no longer fully be our own.

This is the road that the dominant culture is moving on - a descending spiral into biometric surveillance through the mergence of man with machine, coupled with the incredible potential to alter the very code that is our human blueprint.

This is not science fiction, this has very much become a reality.

The resistance to this movement, those who choose nature’s way, those who remain committed to the organic, and choose to live increasingly outside of these impending systems of dominance and control, represent a return to the rebirth of the old ways. This group will also come to represent a total commitment to the path of mergence with the human spirit.

It is not a matter of if this will happen, this process has already begun. The bifurcation will only grow and intensify in the decades to come.

This is why becoming conscious of the implications of our choices in this moment in human history is so vitally important. With the decisions that we make in the coming days and years, we begin to redefine the future of our lives, and the lives of our children. We are setting ourselves, and our lineages, on a course where we choose either the path of nature, or the path of the machine. The rippling effect of these monumental choices, and how it is that we decide to define ourselves now, will determine which journey our family tree will end up on.

May we each choose with increasing awareness and illumination, and truly begin to more deeply fathom the implications of this incredible bifurcation.