Into the Abyss / by Maré Hieronimus

I was in Washington DC on the morning of September 11th, 2001.

I remember the feeling of shock and chaos, the quick rupturing of my reality, the towers buckling underneath themselves, something about a plane turning towards DC, evacuations.

But where was it?

Where did the plane go?

I was a very young and aspiring dancer. Having just graduated from art school, I made a wild left turn into the unknown and decided that my deeper calling resided in the movement arts. Needless to say, many in my life were confused. Many thought I went off the deeper end as I followed my soul calling into a full life as a dance artist and ceremonialist.

But I digress.

Nothing sat well with me around that horrific event. In the time following the tragedy, information began to surface.

Jet fuel can’t melt steel beams, after all, and where was the plane that supposedly hit the pentagon? It disintegrated into thin air.

Where were the eye witnesses?

There were so many visceral and physical discrepancies surrounding the tragedy that I felt entirely clear that this act of enormous terror was absolutely an “inside job”. There was not, nor has there ever been a shadow of doubt in my mind. Indeed, I thought most everyone felt this way.

Fast forward to March 2020, and to the very beginning of this brutal psychological and spiritual war being waged upon the heart and mind of every human soul. I was skeptical of the sudden lockdowns, skeptical of the origins of “the virus”, skeptical of the methods being used, skeptical of the forced medication, skeptical as I have been of the tactics of every regime and every government for almost 20 years. I had lived my entire adult life since 2001 with the full internal affirmation and knowledge of this.

I had existed in whole creative and spiritual communities where I was sure others shared at least some portion of this fundamental ground of reality, who understood that there was such a thing as psychological warfare - and that the government used these methods regularly to shape and control the perceptions of it’s people through media propaganda, drugs, and fear pornography. Or, at least I believed that these individuals were open to questioning some version of their fundamental reality. I believed that the minds surrounding me were mostly curious, open, inquisitive.

I also believed that people felt the presence of spirit in their body, that it moved them as well into the very feeling of truth, and that this feeling was more powerful than any of the drugs or shams that the military industrial complex perpetrated upon us.

I was terribly wrong.

Part of my own awakening within the year 2020 was coming to terms with the fact that I had lived side by side so many people who operated from an entirely different world view than my own, one which was actually totally intolerant of my personal experience and perception. I lived a partial lie, masquerading, in a world I never truly belonged. Very few of these people were willing to truly dialogue with me, let alone stand by my side in my differing views as rights were stripped, families were torn apart, drugs were mandated, lives were destroyed. I, like so many, was all but abandoned by countless friends and family.

This story is not unusual.

This story is repeated, in different shapes and forms, over and over again.

For me, It always comes back to 2001.

If one understood that 9/11 was a purposeful act of terror orchestrated by our government upon it’s own citizens, and that these psychopaths live off of war, carnage, and an engine of perpetual terror, than everything beyond this great deceit is just more of the same.

More of the same insanity.

More of the same inversion.

More of the same horror.

More of the same treachery.

More of the same war: The war of the psychopathic elite for the soul of every human life.

2020 was significant, for it marked an escalation of this war the likes of which have never been seen. This war is all out in the open, for everyone to see.

This is what this is, and until one comes to terms with the fact that there are forces in this world capable of such atrocity, one remains enslaved to the demons that run this show. And this reality is a show.

The path to awakening is through the doorway down, into the abyss.

As far down as one is willing to descend reflects one’s potential ability to ascend, beyond the comprehension of those who perpetrate this dark theater.

When the mind chain is broken, we are no longer limited by the rules of their colosseum.

We rebirth anew, and claim our soul fire.