Into the Depths / by Maré Hieronimus

Into the Depths

I feel incredible gratitude to the three women in my life who told me very specifically before the birth of my son that I should thoroughly investigate immunizations. I had been very aware prior to this time that these three individuals all chose not to inoculate their children, across the board. One of these three human beings is a very close family member who partially raised me, the other is a lifelong best friend, and the third is a newer soul friend - an incredible herbalist and medicine woman who I had the privilege of sitting plant medicine ceremony with, where we laid, side by side, embarking upon journeys that would alter our lives.

Each of these women I trusted, over time.

Each of these women had seen me at my most vulnerable, in the darkest of hours.

Each of these women had stood by me through my own shadow experiences - a task that not all human beings are capable of. In the face of this darkness, these women had shown me that they each were capable of holding the flame of light and beauty, when it was most painful to do so.

Such a rare and beautiful trait.

So, when these trusted and true women approached me separately, quietly, respectfully, well before the birth of my son - to tell me that it was imperative that I do deeper research into the pharmaceutical industry and the childhood V schedule - I was absolutely not going to ignore them.

I am so glad that I did not.

I took the time to do a deep dive research into the industry, which nearly took my breath away. The deeper that I looked, the more that I could not believe what I saw, and what I found.

Since the 1986 Act, which gave full exemption from liability to the pharmaceutical companies - we have seen the childhood schedule exponentially multiply the number of shots given to our children - from 10, to 30, to 50 and now to 70 doses before they reach 18. Along with it this we have witnessed an explosion - a literal tsunami of autoimmune, allergy, ADHD, SIDS, neurological disorders, and so many other conditions which point to incredible toxicity of the body.

We have witnessed an enormous increase in autism since the 1970’s, which reflects the work of Dr Toby Rogers PhD ( though the establishment continues to say “correlation does not equal causation” ). Something is powerfully wrong when we go from 1 in 10,0000 diagnosis’s, to 1 in 40, and for boys - 1 in 28. This is not right.

These numbers have likely shifted since I last checked. It won’t be long before it will be 1 in 20, 1 in 10, 1 in 2.

Mercury in the form of thermerisol, formaldehyde, aluminum, aborted human fetal cell lines and countless other poisonous substances form the basic ingredients of these toxic serums. We were told these toxic serums and adjuvants do not cross the blood brain barrier, which would be catastrophic, and yet autopsies reveal aluminum and other dangerous chemicals found within brain tissue, particularly of those diagnosed with autism, as well as Alzheimer’s. Glyphosate now ensures the weakening of the linings of brain and the gut, and all barriers of the body - which reflects the incredible work of microbiome pioneer Dr Zach Bush.

Then, the disbelief to see Hepatitis B injections, a disease primarily affecting drug addicts and prostitutes, being administered to infants days after birth, when a mother can be tested for the disease before hand to determine if she is carrying. All while the measles, which was never a deadly disease for healthy humans, has been treated like the Black Plague. My mother had measles, my grandmother had measles, we have lived with measles for hundreds of thousands of years. There is also strong evidence that such childhood diseases teach the immune system how to function and strengthen the child in the long term. And yet, we have a country terrified of childhood illness, which we have lived with since the beginnings of human life. Meanwhile, the injection only gives 5-10 years immunity, whereas of course natural immunity is superior - and for life. Every adult who has not had the measles is now at risk, as well as a potential carrier, giving it to everyone.

And yet we never speak about this….

And Polio has not been eradicated, this is total a myth. They simply changed the name, and now we have a whole new epidemic of V - induced Polio, rather than the wild virus.

Many were given cancer through the early Polio shots, African Americans were treated like lab rats in the Tuskegee Experiment, and we believe the government is no longer capable of such atrocities? Glyphosate in the food, Flouride in the water, and countlesss other catastrophic poisons including DDT and OxyContin, and we believe that the FDA is only benevolent?

And for these injections, there are no double blind placebo studies. There is no control group. There is no real “science” in this way. Their defense is that the injections are far too important, therefore everyone must be injected.

This does not make the most basic of sense.

Except, the incredible Dr Paul Thomas out in the Northwestern United States has practiced pediatric medicine for decades, and offered all of his patients the choice to determine their own child’s immunization schedule. He did not discriminate, nor coerce, he simply allowed his patients to choose what they believed was right for their family, and then collected the data. His practice demonstrates the most conclusive evidence we have comparing the injected and the uninjected.

The uninjected children are far healthier than the injected, in every - single - way.

This includes thousands upon thousands of children, over decades.

This is all detailed in his book, which the powers that be have attempted to ban.


All the while, these drug companies are completely exempt from liability if someone is actually injured by their toxic products. They have everything to gain, and absolutely nothing at all to loose.

I also found the work of Dr Suzanne Humphrey to be incredibly compelling. Through tracking the introduction of immunizations along side clean water and sewage systems, she makes a powerful and persuasive argument that the eradication of disease was not a product of drugs and toxic chemicals, but rather a product of clean water and better access to healthy lifestyle and food systems. This is all detailed in her book, Dissolving Illusions.

All this, while so many have shamed, ridiculed, and attempted to silence the mothers who have watched on helplessly as their children regressed, sustained injuries, and so much worse. I will never not believe the wisdom and intuitive knowledge of the mothers.

For my own part, after taking this deep dive into the research, after listening to the mothers of the V injured, I walked away having the very clear feeling that there was no way in Hell that I was going to trust the CDC, the FDA, the federal government and the pharmaceutical industry with the precious care of my only child.

For me - this was not so much a stretch in that I have always embraced the outsider archetype within, I have always allowed myself to question the mainframe views, and I have always been entirely comfortable in doing so.

I am not afraid to be an outsider in a profoundly sick society.

But I recognize that it sets me apart from a great deal of people in making these fundamental choices.

I am at peace with this.

The deep dive into this information was the background and prism through which I was able to observe the descent of the Corona “crisis”.

As I watched friend after friend unable to question any single part of the narratives being spun, I came to realize that my awakening in terms of allowing myself to create my own opinion through personal investigation and research, like so many other mothers who share a similar journey, had taken place long before 2020.

Like so many who have taken the passage above, and who truly comprehend the injustice and the corruption that we bear witness to within the pharmaceutical industry in relationship to government and now media, it was a simple step to begin to understand that all of what we see is not as it appears.

One must possess the simple willingness to look deeper.

So many simply do not.

But as the narratives crack and crumble, I pray that more do, and I pray that those secretly reading these words - reciting over and over again to themselves the mantra “ oh, she’s just gone mad, she’s just gone crazy “ - I pray that these good hearted souls take the courage to look a little deeper, beneath the surface, into the dark of the waters - the place where I call home.

There is much there for you to find.

I am ever grateful to the trinity of women who had the courage to tell me to look.

I emulate them - as I offer this invitation to each of you into the shadow depths, to witness what is actually there.

All is not as it seems.