The Wounds of Our Children / by Maré Hieronimus

We are teaching an entire generation of children to be terrified of their bodies, terrified of their breath, and terrified of the very life pulsing through their veins.

We are conditioning an entire generation to be afraid to touch, afraid to sweat, to be afraid to sing.

We are indoctrinating an entire generation into a paradigm based upon a foundation of horror - that life is fundamentally to be feared.

Children are vulnerable.

Their minds are like supple sponges absorbing all and everything around them.

Do you think that the terror and paranoia that we are hoisting upon them now will not haunt them

for the rest of their lives?

Do you think that offering them up as lab mice - when so many are being injured and killed outright through this experiment, all for a disease that they are barely at risk for - is somehow altruistic?

I believe in the right to choose.

I believe that we all must make our own choices, we are set to experience our own destinies, though so many on the other side of this do not believe this at all. So many believe that they have the right to make these critical decisions for others.

But I also believe in freedom of speech.

And children, children do not have a full voice.

I worry for the children of this generation - who are now literally being indoctrinated fully into this “New Normal”.

The New Normal - a culture that lives in terror of its own breath and is afraid of touch. A culture that cowers in the face of life itself, and teaches us that it is better to have our children hide in a hole and be hooked up to a virtual world, alone, then to sit in the sun, and to hold someone’s hand.

The New Normal reflects the mind of a world which is afraid of the very flow of spirit herself, a society who would rather give themselves up willingly to the altar of the machine, then to sing a song from the heart without a masquerade.

The New Normal indoctrination is their Great Reset. I am sure that those implementing this insidious agenda envision a fully traumatized and compliant next generation plugged into their internet of all things, obedient and complicit subjects in their transhuman empire.

The horrors of this time will be felt for generations upon generations to come.

Except, the human spirit is miraculous.

And I have no doubt that there will be a small group - that despite the conditioning, despite the programming to hate their own breath and body, and the very pulse of life itself, there will be a group of souls who miraculously escape this tyranny of mind and being, this prison of the spirit.

They will be traumatized, no doubt.

But they will escape.

My greatest prayer for these beautiful children is that the wounds being inflicted upon them now become their wings, as all wounds have the potential to be.

My greatest prayer for them is that they are given the enormous strength needed to transcend this stream of virtual horror so that they all might experience a great return, and walk the sacred path back home again, despite all that was placed upon their shoulders.