Reclaiming the Human Spirit / by Maré Hieronimus

Every aspect of our current culture and civilization is meant to take us out of our own embodied knowing, and the rapturous experience of the divine spark that resides within every human soul.

We are constantly told that we must trust external sources only, and that those who have the audacity to cultivate their own internal compass, those who may choose to make decisions that go against the ordained truths of this civilization, are now outlier enemies of the state.

This continued movement into total conformity of thought and being can only lead to one final place ~ a soulless civilization of complete homogeneity, entirely controlled by an artificial and elite governing body. With the imminent implementation of AI or Transhumanism, this civilization is moving very rapidly to sever itself completely from the majesty of the greatest aspect of our nature ~ the incredible human spirit.

How did we arrive at such a dark precipice?

How is it that so many humans beings remain in total and continual denial, wholly devoted to the superiority of this civilization, and the superiority of the human intellect over any notion of intuitive embodied gnosis and wisdom?

How have these shadow forces moved so quietly, unseen and unchecked?

How have we allowed this darkness to expand to such an immense degree so that there are those among us who actually believe that forcing ones will upon another human life could be in any way justifiable?

From my personal perspective, much of this reality is a direct result of our own unresolved personal and ancestral trauma, which leaves us deeply vulnerable to a predatory culture. This trauma is expressed through the territory of our undigested suffering and a profound sense of soul loss. Our great wisdom lineages remain largely in ruins, untapped, ruptured and broken by this “great civilization”. These lineages contain our collective soul memory, and shared human history and wisdom - and that which expresses itself through our personal and ancestral body.

But these memories are also archived within the human genetic code. They pulse through our blood and cerebral spinal fluid. They lie embedded within the strata of our bones, buried all the way into the deepest river of our marrow. These memories, this wisdom cannot be fully stripped from us.

The single greatest path to our own human liberation necessitates that we take the courage to unearth this sacred strata, and to experience the deep psycho-spiritual and somatic release of so much suffering. This is an expression of our undeniable severing from spirit. Through this sacred experience, we are catapulted into the sheer and rapturous joy of human life. This holy remembrance brings us into the sacred memory of our own divine human spark. This liberation lives in the miraculous blessing of the divine temple of the human body, if we were each to simply allow ourselves the great honor of this monumental and ongoing healing.

All that is needed is to begin to have the courage to listen to the stories that are being whispered through the voice of the body ~ through its sensation, intuitive wisdom, gut knowledge, and it’s myriad and profound states of being.

None of this has been taught within our current civilization. None of this has been spoken of by our “great institutions”, because they do not possess this knowledge. The intellect reigns supreme in their halls, and intuition, which is in fact bodily knowing, is erased in its entirety.

This great knowledge, held by the wisdom keepers of so many human cultures, remains largely obscured and hidden, accessible only to those who actively seek to experience this mystical and profound unfolding. This unfolding happens in spite of the civilization at hand, which reveals to us the enormous power and potential hidden within each human body and soul. We have been up against enormous odds, and yet the human spirit is eternal, and naturally moves towards ascension.

The cellular and cosmic wisdom that resides through the temple of the living body reflects the song of the living soul, with all of its divine longing. Through this internal listening, and the full allowance for the expression of grief, anger, and its undeniable mystical beauty, we move into the ocean of our own divine kingdom and the deep well of our personal and collective knowledge and experience. We come to know our ancestral mythologies, the wisdom keepers, and the great guides that are here to assist us all, when we actively open our ears to hear them. We come to know the angelic forces as well, unifying the experience of heaven and earth in the center of our being, as above so below, right in the middle of the sacred body.

But instead, this culture ensures that most of us walk through our lives surrounded by the ghosts of our past, unable to harness the incredible energies inherent within the nobility of spirit as a divine expression of cosmic being.

We identify only with the wounded aspects of the small self, and through this total misidentification - through an ever growing list of external labels given to us by an entirely sick civilization - we forget the greatness of our own unfolding being. We become shells of the majesty that is the human soul, wearing clothing that covers gaping wounds which lie forever unearthed, forever unexcavated.

We drug ourselves to sleep, we drug ourselves to wake, we drug ourselves to escape the grief, we drug ourselves to silence the demons, we drug ourselves to numb the heartache and the rage, and in doing so, we hide the exquisite nature of our true being.

Through this, we allow the shadow nature to roam, to grow, to expand ~ entirely unchecked.

And here we are, at the precipice.

And now, generations upon generations have been taught to outright ignore their own personal experience, sensation and intuitive knowledge. Through this simple indoctrination ~ we as a human race forfeit our freedom for a cage made by our authorities. We become hungry ghosts, empty vessels that are easy prey for forces beyond our comprehension. We forget the jewels of the heart, the beauty of the soul, and the incredible power of the human spirit. For in the face of this sheer beauty, the hungry ghost is nothing.

But for so many, this reality is becoming a tragic and open air prison. It is also a holding pattern of fear, exemplified by the physiological experience of fight flight freeze, which prevents us from accessing our higher minds. This state holds the willing forever captive in various degrees of terror and its corresponding lower brain experience.

All that we can do there - in that soulless world - is to just survive.

But, when we move to heal the lines, when we move to stand once again in our nobility of spirit, we align ourselves with such a tremendous beauty and mystery, the likes of which this civilization has no understanding of. We align ourselves with freedom herself, which is a profound expression of the human spirit in flight ~ a bird soaring between heaven and earth.

To be able to soar to such heights depends largely upon ones internal courage and conviction to live a life grounded in connection to the sacred inner flame that resides in every human heart. The only doorway to this flame is the inner road into the heart of intuitive knowing, the road that they so desperately do not want us to take. This is the road into our own felt wisdom and gnosis, this is the road into the depths of mystery, this is the road to beauty and to truth, this is the only path of true liberation.

I wish this for every human soul who longs for that flight.

May your spirit soar high above the sacred mountain ~ upward to its greatest heights, above the dark clouds of this collapsing civilization, grounded in the wisdom knowing of our shared ancestral root.