Rise of the Human Race / by Maré Hieronimus

I love New York.

I will always love New York.

I have spent the better part of my adult life there as an artist. It was not the New York that I had read about in books - the corporations had long taken over that great city on the water.

But still - there is some incredible magic in that place.

I danced for 17 years there.

I met the love of my life there.

I had my son there.

Last year we left New York, after so many years, because we knew what was coming. We knew it was not temporary, we knew it was never about true health, and we knew we could not raise our child in that world. We were given an opportunity, a gift from the divine, and in May 2020 we packed all of our things and we drove west.

I wept all the way across the Verrazano bridge - wondering if I’d ever go back - knowing I was leaving an entire life - countless friends and colleagues.

But the city had very quickly become a dystopia to me.

Homelessness was everywhere.

The subways felt darker and darker.

All life was shutting down.

I spent my last hours there wandering around my old neighborhood, my son in my arms, with an endless flow of tears falling. All of the memories of life lived, and now - to leave this magical city as it felt as though it was dying, under siege by a ruthless and silent enemy that hid behind righteousness and fear mongering.

We tried to tell people what was happening, and mostly we received half smiles and total silence. Mostly, we were just ignored.

As the months passed, we watched from afar as the injections were introduced and celebrated. We watched the rollout. We watched France, Russia, Australia, and countless other countries rise, while America was mostly silent. And then, the inevitable introduction of the mandates and the passports were revealed. The dystopia at hand is still barely imaginable to me - that if you do not partake of a mandated experimental drug injection, you can no longer fully participate in daily living.

There is nothing, absolutely nothing that is normal about this. Those who believe so are deluded.

I have been watching that beautiful city on the water, praying for a greater awakening - praying for the rise - praying for the resistance to show its magnificent face to say - no more.

We will not comply.

And slowly but surely, our prayers are being answered by countless brave and magnificent souls whose deepest allegiance is to the human race.

The resistance rises.

The resistance grows day by day.

What gives me great hope above all else - what truly makes me weep - is to watch those on the right and those on the left come together to realize that we were never the true enemy of each other. If you are still living in that dichotomy - in that utter fabrication - you have entirely lost the pulse of what is occurring in this incredible time of transition. For the true enemy was never your neighbor.

They just wanted us to believe that it is.

To see right and left join hands and walk together as human beings should, letting go of the small selves and the labels and entering into a larger reality, remembering a greater destiny, it is truly exquisite to behold.

Freedom is our sacred birthright, and this birthright unites us all, regardless of race, creed, gender, and political persuasion. No one, no government, is endowed with the right to strip that from anyone, simply for not taking an experimental drug.

What they fear most is our unity.

Our unity is the driving force that will birth a new reality.

Our unity is the single most powerful tool that we have, and all that we need to do is open our hearts to realize that what we share is so much greater than that which divides us.

These incredible images are from the photographer Souls of a Movement (found on Instagram)