Cultivating the Warrior Within / by Maré Hieronimus

We have all experienced the wrath of a mind in turmoil, unable to accept anything that is not sanctioned by this state as a possible reality. Perhaps we can recall our own thrashings, our own disbelief, our own rage and denial when presented with a paradigm which is new, threatening, and that means a certain death of our previous perceptions.

Witnessing this cognitive dissonance often looks like watching a caged and wild animal haphazardly attacking anything in its perimeter that dares come near.

Sometimes the attacks are cloaked in condescension, sometimes they are cloaked in a pretense of kindness. And sometimes the attacks are just simply rough and brutal - coming at you from the back of the head.

Those of us who stand for liberty and who stand for freedom, we have each been attacked ruthlessly by persons who are submerged in the dominant reality of our day - those unable to fathom a world that is not determined by this regime’s overlords. The attacks can be merciless and are meant to blame and shame, meant to discredit and belittle, meant to embarrass one into total submission and total compliance.

This is what the overlords so desperately want.

Total submission and total compliance to their very dark reality. This reality is based on the premise that the only way to move forward is to give all freedoms over to a completely corrupt regime.

This is the definition of madness.

It is difficult to walk through these attacks again and again. As a profoundly sensitive soul, I have personally struggled with the attacks. But slowly, I have also grown to see them more clearly for what they are. And through this initiation I have cultivated an enormous strength - where I no longer care what people think of me. I have lost the “respect” of countless people from my past, and have ultimately found it absolutely and truly liberating.

For I no longer need any approval.

My allegiance is to my own heart, and to the greater truth as I experience through the wisdom of my own body.

I have come to see these attacks as a complete reflection of their anger, terror and denial rolled into a single tightly wound ball of hellfire meant to destroy the will and courage of anyone who refuses to live in their horrible cage.

It is a tragic and small move which I have grown to pity to some degree - save for the fact that these captured minds and souls - who simply refuse to allow for another truth reality - are selling us all down the river through their obedience and compliance, and total refusal to stand for what is truly right in this world - personal choice and human sovereignty.

There are so many of us who will never embrace the very small reality that is being projected for us to bow down to. The existence of so many liberated beings has equally given me enormous strength.

Each of us can continue to cultivate our own relationship to the warrior archetype in a time when we are all called to step forward. Some of us are meant to fight this battle on the physical level, while others are meant to step forward with our hearts or intellect. Still, there are others who are spiritual leaders, meant to empart the deeper understandings of this great ordeal of our era.

Each of us has a role, each of us is needed, each of us is called to know our gifts and to empower our voice. The fires of initiation that we each have walked through previously, as well as within this last year and a half, have given us more strength, courage and a deep resilience to stand in the middle of the sacred circle - without wavering.

Indeed, we have prepared our whole lives to stand in such a time.

I bow to each of you, great warriors of our era.