Return to the Holy Mountain ~ The War for the Human Soul / by Maré Hieronimus

There are many layers to what is occurring now on Earth. Each layer reveals a deeper strata of spiritual meaning around the issues that we currently face.

Each layer becomes an initiation into the cup of the hidden waters of truth.

At each level, there is a battle being fought by countless human souls, one moment at a time. Each layer brings us closer into the core of the matter, which too many human beings seem not to have the capability to face.

There is a Great War at hand.

Many remain blissfully unaware of this Great War, and this is the genius of it all. Many believe that this is all for our own good, that the movement towards the total domination of the human body, soul and spirit is somehow a perfectly necessary step in the battle of an invisible virus.

This is a war that has been prophesied by countless cultural mythologies, sacred books, and human visionaries. Each prophesy points to this time in human history as pivotal - where we rise, or fall.

The great visionary Anthroposophist Rudolf Steiner spoke about this period through his prophesy of the rise of Ahriman and the 8th Sphere in his lectures on the Fall of the Spirits of Darkness. The visionary Guru of Gurus Sri Aurobindo and his partner The Mother spoke of the essential need for humanity to face a great evil at this moment in human history, or be fated to repeat the entirety of our current human epoch, all over again.

The Seven Fires Prophesy of the Anishinaabe peoples speaks to the bifurcation of humanity at this time, where some follow the path of nature and the rise of the human spirit, while others follow the way of the machine. The great Hopi Prophesies of our current time speak of an incredible turning, and the need for humanity to rise to our greatest spiritual capacity to face this monumental transition.

And, of course, there is The Book of Revelations.

Rise, we must.

Along side countless prophesies, we have arrived, astrologically, at the true dawn of the Age of Aquarius, the great turning of the wheel where that which was hidden in the deep and mysterious waters of the Piscean Age is now revealed through the cup of the Aquarian Water-Bearer.

Whatever one’s belief system, or lack thereof, we all must sense on some level the winds of powerful change that are being ushered in through our planet right now. There can be no doubt that this is an incredible time to be alive.

Many might judge these visionaries and these prophesies, many might scoff at astrological divination or sacred texts, but those of us who take the time to hear the voice of spirit riding in on the wind, we do not judge these things. We listen to their words, and attempt to discern their greater purpose and meaning through the language of symbol and archetype, and through the wisdom within our blood, breath and bones. We attempt to behold the truths held within these great mythologies, these many stories of our peoples, and we move to allow the soul to hear the call of it’s deeper destiny.

But one does not have to believe in prophesy, visions and divination to comprehend what is occurring in our present era. The prophesies, in my mind, serve to shed light upon the forces at play, so that the nature of these forces are more easily understood through the language of symbol and archetype.

But all that is needed to truly comprehend what we are moving through is a connection to ones own deeper intuition, a longing to know the truth, and the fundamental desire to be in alignment with the forces at work for humanities highest good.

With a developed intuitive sense, one can understand immediately that something is terribly wrong in our world today.

With the longing to know the truth, the seeker is born - and along with this - an insatiable curiosity to find the answers to questions that are not readily available through censored sources.

And with a profound commitment to the highest good for all of humanity, one would automatically refuse the notion that anyone need be punished or dominated for not adhering to the dictums of a corrupt and dying empire. A servant of the highest good will automatically understand that those who attempt to control others have always been slaves of their lower nature, servants of the shadowlands.

We as a generation bear witness to the largest transfer of wealth in human history.

We bear witness to the elite of the elite attempting to secure all power over land, water, seeds, resources and the human body, mind and heart.

We bear witness to the implementation of systems of surveillance and attempted control over the human spirit which have never before been seen in our world.

This movement into total domination of the human spirit will be implemented, in the eyes of the psychopathic elite, through the willing transition into the most diabolical aspect of all that we bear witness to - the inception of artificial intelligence - and the dawn of the mergence of man and machine. None of the fuller control measures would be possible without this key element.

This mergence is openly celebrated as the elite put forth the map of their desired earth future, including a complete biomedical surveillance state, and the shift into transhumanism. These planned implementations of pure domination are said to be for our own good, and will create safer, more manageable and egalitarian lives.

This is what all tyrannical forces implore us to believe.

Within the system that they are attempting to implement, and in their own words, we will own nothing and we will be happy.

We will be part of the internet of everything, hooked up forever to a structure that monitors our vital signs, our thoughts, our emotions, and our interior lives.

If this system is put fully into place, there will be no private space, for this act will entirely erase the notion of privacy.

The interior realm, the realm that is the most sacred and divine personal portal into the mystery of life and the threshold experiences of the human soul, this threshold will be no more in their imagined future world.

Through shifts in our own vital signs, this system would be able to determine if we were thinking unacceptable thoughts, feeling controversial emotions, or engaging in delinquent behaviors.

It could flag suspected criminals, while fast tracking the obedient and complicit.

This is a system that denies the existence of the incredible miracle of the human spirit, and moves to define us as a network of controllable chemical and physiological reactions that can be manipulated, short circuited and altered.

The internet of all things.

This is a system which denies the very existence of God. For in the mind of a psychopath, one does not need God, if one is able to play God.

The arrogance, the hubris, the sheer evil that this mind state is reflective of remains completely unimaginable to most human beings.

And yet this is the driving force behind the Great Reset Agenda. This is the driving force behind the mandates, the passports, the one world narrative, the domination, and the control. This is the agenda, though people will laugh. Read it from their own words, if you possess the courage.

Because it is there.

But you don’t have to believe me, you don’t have to believe the prophesies and the visionaries, the mythologies and the symbols and the ancient stories.

All you have to do is activate your own desire to know truth, and give your commitment over to the highest good for all beings.

No force for the highest good will ever seek total dominion over the human spirit. And this is the most simple, radiant and profound truth that could illuminate the entire world, if we each were able to sink into our own intuitive blood and breath knowing.

This is truly a battle for the human soul, against those who would literally attempt to chain and cage it, to deny and subjugate its very existence. These are not forces of the divine at work - no - this is a grotesque inversion of all that is sacred in all worlds.

This is the rise of the machine.

There is only one road that leads back to the holy mountain.

There is only one road that leads back to the sacred knowledge embedded within the divine mystery of our own genetic code.

I invite each soul to walk with with me, back into the light, back into your own sacred hoop, and know thyself.