Path of Remembrance Book Release! / by Maré Hieronimus


Path of Remembrance Book Release

Dear Friends-

as some of you know, I have written a great deal over the course of this last year and a half.

These writings have flowed forth as a stream of consciousness downpour. The more that I have written, the more that these words have given themselves over to be inscribed in some way. In one sense, it has been a poetic transfiguration of the work that I have engaged in throughout my entire life.

This is the deeper work of embodiment, and the exploration of what it is to live a life grounded in spirit, dance and movement. It is also the mystical work and exploration of what it is to liberate one's own being, and to root oneself in the expression of soul voice, engaging practices of alchemy, creation and healing, ritual, and ceremony as the incredible instruments that they are.

I have compiled two separate books over the course of this time:

Path of Remembrance - Vision for a New Earth, and

Systems of Indoctrination and the Wild Rose of the Soul, a smaller companion book which examines some of the conditioning which we all have passed through.

Each of these books reflect this quiet and effortless shift into the written word as a mode of soul communion and expression. Beyond this, as I look at the movement of forces at play in our world today, I see these books as tools of direct healing, reclamation and remembrance.

As the great teacher and mystic Krishnamurti once said, it is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society. And this is where I believe we have found ourselves today, in its fullest iteration.

We can either move to liberate ourselves from the incredible chains that bind, or we can remain servants of an empire which does not even recognize the profound and wild beauty of the human spirit.

For myself, my path was chosen a very long time ago.

I walk the path of remembrance,

I walk the path of liberation, a spiral path of mystery,

I walk the path back into full reclamation of the human heart and spirit as a miraculous expression of the divine and cosmic forces of nature.

I am honored by your presence in walking by my side.

Below, you can find links to purchase these

two written offerings.

Path of Remembrance

Vision for a New Earth

Now Available for purchase through Blurb Books by clicking this link:

Systems of Indoctrination and

The Wild Rose of the Soul

Now available for purchase through Blurb Books by clicking the link:

You Are Always Welcome To Support My Work Through Membership On PATREON, Where I Offer Monthly Movement Classes And Women's Ceremony. You Can Find Out More Information By Clicking this link: