Mystery of Beauty and Truth / by Maré Hieronimus

It is incredible to witness human beings within the freedom loving resistance communities tear each other down. Factions are growing and massive divisions are occurring. I suppose this is a natural outgrowth of our unresolved pain and trauma, which are being so utilized against us all now. People are insisting on their undeniable rightness, which is the very quality that we are in battle against. People are attempting to dominate each other, just like this administration is attempting to dominate us all.

There are a million mysteries to what we are moving through, and it benefits us to hold the truth as sacred, while honoring other human beings perspectives and opinions.

It seems to me that we should be moving to unify under the larger umbrella which unites us all in our love of freedom and bodily sovereignty - and truly begin to understand the greater war that we each face. This spiritual war is one which must be worked with first within our own selves, identifying our shadow nature, working with the incredible material of our own darkness so that we might turn it out into the light of day.

When we have individuated enough through this alchemical process, then, and only then, can we begin to more clearly bear witness to the external darkness. Then and only then can we honestly say that we do not hold the only and single truth, but each of us is on a path seeking truth. Through this reconciliation, we are gifted the courage to step forward in this great spiritual battle, to honor other opinions and perspectives, and stand in the ways that ones soul is called to stand.

There are as many ways to stand within this sovereign soul song as there are human beings upon this earth.

What unites us is our love of freedom.

Each of us has a spiritual responsibility to resist in the ways that suit our own unique gifts. One will never be like another - though that is what they want us to believe - that we are all just the same.

Some stand in the name of data and science.

Some stand in the name of medicine and healing.

Some stand in the name of nature.

Some stand in the name of spirit.

Some stand in the name of our children.

Some stand in the name of beauty and truth.

None of us have all of the answers.

But together, we understand more.

Like the incredible brilliance of the root system of trees, who pass information and experience underground, and learn from the central mother tree, our organism grows through our shared experience. Through each of us tapping into our own wisdom line, the ancestral flame, the memory of what we truly are, and what we meant to be, we each have the potential to heal those lines, right what has been wronged, and give our hearts to the beauty of a shared future vision.

Without this beauty which is interwoven with the mystery of truth, we are nothing, And we will fail.

Let us rise up to our better natures,

for we have work to do.