If you cannot see what is happening yet, you likely will not be able to see. But for those who are - it is becoming so painfully obvious that it is brutal to watch.
It does not really matter that we have been trying to help people open their eyes since the very beginning of this grand psychological operation - we have no desire to gloat over this tragic fact. Every one of us I’m sure wishes that none of it were the case.
But it is the case.
It is the case.
And you can cling to your old ways and to your half truths and to your media lies and to your tyrants, but no amount of clinging will erase it’s horror. No amount of clinging will be able to hide the truth, which is revealing itself in real time to all those who are willing to bear witness.
You can ride this wave into empowerment - and into a greater human destiny - or you can ride this wave into enslavement. You can ride this wave into liberation, or you ride this wave into a totalitarian biomedical surveillance state.
There is no in between. There was never an in between. And because this is a war - you must choose. On Which side of this great story does your soul land? Where do you imagine your tomorrow?
Will you be cloaked in gadgets connected to the hive mind and obedient to a grotesque machine, or will you liberate your spirit and reclaim your royal human lineage, and walk the path back into our origin story?
The choice has always been yours.