Healing as the Greatest Gift / by Maré Hieronimus


Devotion to our own personal and ancestral healing is the greatest gift that we can give ourselves and our loved ones, and one of the most important commitments of our lives.

Without this devotional key to unlocking and transmuting our own trauma patterning, we remain in suspended states of disembodied life, unable to actualize the fullness of our being, unable to see life more clearly.

The healing process, like all great creative acts, is a poetic, cyclical, intuitive and somatic experience. Healing happens in the soma of the body, just as the experience of awakening does.

Both painful and ecstatic, healing necessitates that we have the courage to walk though our own suffering, meet our own shadow nature, and take deep responsibility for our own energetic matrix. It asks us to unearth what has been buried, and to free the energies of the body systems so that we might more fully integrate. Most importantly, It asks us to no longer give our power away to another, but to anoint our own being with the crown of our own humble and exquisite divinity, and to become both sovereign and holy unto ourselves.

We cannot talk our traumas out of the body. We cannot force the life of the soul into an intellectual language and experience. The language of soul and spirit exist within a dance, a song, a poem, the rising sun, the waxing and waning moon, in the tears that we weep, in the holding of a loved ones hand. This soul experience is not easily translated into words, but we know it when we feel it.

It is in this gentle act of courage, the courage to deeply feel, to sense, and to allow through one’s own embodied experience, that we are able to move closer to our soul mystery, and the experience of one’s own being, pulsing with all and everything.

This again, is yet another process that our culture knows truly nothing about. And yet it not only exists, it is, in my feeling, the most important act of our fleeting lives. Otherwise, the gift of life is passed over, and our path is at the mercy of those who we think know better.

You are the only and single being who Is the keeper of your soul.