The Psycho-Somatic Process of Spiritual Awakening / by Maré Hieronimus


What does the awakening process look like? Many people are misguided to believe that in awakening we move into a bliss state where we exist in constant ecstasy. Though ecstatic experience is one aspect of awakening, it is not at all the full picture.

Awakening often looks like a health crisis, nervous breakdowns, and episodes of illness. The reason for this is that when we move to purify the system, our trauma patterning, our conditioning, understood as karmas and samskara through the Yogic and Ayurvedic traditions, must come to the surface. There is no other way. They must move through our experience to be born out into the ethers of space, integrating back into the cosmos itself.

The emergence of these patternings through all systems of the body is the awakening process. All trauma patterings must be experienced through the soma of the body in order to be released.

What happens when a culture does not recognize that this is what is in actuality occurring to a human being entering into the sacred halls of illness? What happens when these states are not honored as necessary physical and psycho-spiritual shifts of consciousness which cannot be passed over in this process? The complete lack of understanding and support around this incredible process then precipitates the submergence of the awakening transformation itself.

When we do not have the support to move to the root of any health crisis, then the awakening experience is aborted, blocked, discontinued.

How many souls have been misguided to believe that their incredible awakening is just a physical or psychological illness? This is the misguided base consciousness that we are working with in our culture.

To facilitate  our own deeper awakening and transformation we must have the support necessary to move into the forest of our subconscious, experiencing the profound revelations of our deepest conditioned patterning in order to transmute these experiences into the flowering of our own profound expanding  awareness.

This is why, in actuality, every illness is a gift, however painful the experience. It is the inevitable emergence of karmas and samskaras shifting through the etheric, subtle, and physical sheaths. It reflects the process of awakening itself, and every disease becomes an invitation into the sacred ceremonial halls of greater healing and expanded consciousness.

Photo of the Sacred Datura Flower by Jeremy Frindel