We were Born for this Time / by Maré Hieronimus

All over the world, human beings are being backed into a corner, coerced, forced, threatened to take an experimental drug that is killing thousands upon thousands, injuring countless more, which doesn’t stop transmission, all for a disease with a 99.7% survival rate in most all populations.

All this, for a virus thh heat has never even been isolated.

Fascism rides in on Biden’s global white horse, and people still deny the reality of this incredible situation. Controlled by constant fear pornography, which I’ve come to believe is actually enjoyable for some, this certain segment begs for greater governmental control, for mandates and passports and lockdowns, for freedom to be stripped from those who do not comply, all so we can shut ourselves up into our houses again and live half lives through our pretend virtual realities.

Those who are captured by this grand spell, the witchery, the Wetiko, are so entrenched in terror and denial that no amount of logic, facts, reason and humanity will change the course of their lives, their hearts and their minds.

This is the bifurcation spoken of by so many.

This is a natural polarization, and one cannot walk through this now without choosing which road you will follow. Or it will be chosen for you.

It is up to those if us who can pierce this veil, who see clearly through the propaganda and the sorcery, to stand in our sacred birthright, in our sovereignty, and in our human heritage.

We must not, and we must never, comply.

If not here, where?

If not now, when?

The time has always been now, and the time is now more than ever. If we do not stand, we fall.

It is very clear the trajectory of this totalitarian agenda. It will only become more clear. It is undeniable at this point, and those who continue to deny live in a complete delusion fabricated by our shared trauma, and a profound loss of soul power.

We must now slowly, deliberately extract ourselves in every single way from the leviathan that is this system.

If you are in healthcare and you are mandated to take this injection, leave, and form your own private wellness practice.

If you are in education and they are forcing this injection down your throat, leave, and create a homeschool.

If you are a parent who is being coerced into injecting your own precious child, pull them out of school and place them in one of the alternative schools that will be created through this extraction process.

If you see a restaurant, a gym, a bar, a concert hall mandating injections for entry, do not enter, and do not give any of these businesses your support.

Let us begin to grow our own gardens, to become our own healer’s, to become our own craftsmen and artisans and fortify our spiritual lives.

This polarization is inevitable. And this train of tyranny is riding strong and hard towards its goal.

Our goal, in every single way - is to plant the seeds of human survival, of freedom, of love, of tenderness, and above all, of the sacred.

We were born for this time, and we have always known it.

It is here.

And we are also here.

May your wings grow and your spiritual power be fortified for all that is to come. Let us inspire each other with our love, our courage, and our commitments to truth and to the sacred flame that exists within every human heart.