Choosing Freedom Over Wetiko / by Maré Hieronimus

It is deeply revealing that the mere mentioning of the very real experience of medical apartheid happening here in the US, and all over the world, is so triggering for some.

It immediately elucidates the profound state of denial - especially on the left - that so many remain entrenched within. Denial of epic proportions, where we have Holocaust survivors speaking out in defense of medical freedom of choice - and people are minimizing their experiences, their words, their reality.

History repeats.

When faced with this reality of medical segregation - there are those whose very first response is not tenderness, concern, outrage. No, this massive denial includes forms of ridicule, gaslighting, shame and blame - and a complete defense of this movement into a two tiered system - rather than to take the courage to observe, to look deeper, and to oppose forces that would make more than half of the country second class citizens.

This is the Wetiko that we speak of, this is the total entrenchment and complete attachment to a system that is vile and predatory. That person after person - particularly in NYC where a V-Passport is just about to go into full effect - would move to de-legitimize this horror, would move to defend it - and to pretend that this is in any way sane, that this is “normal” - I find incredibly disturbing.

No, I will not play into these Wetiko games. Medical fascism is a slippery slope. Totalitarianism is a slithery creature. They creep into the hearts and minds of good people, feeding their lesser natures through adrenalized fear, and they demand complete compliance to their systems of domination and subordination.

No, I will pass on your Wetiko,

I will pass on your denial.

I will pass on your communitarianism.

I will pass on your commitment to a death system.

I choose love.

I choose sovereignty.

I choose freedom.

I choose life.