On Becoming What One Hates / by Maré Hieronimus

I have always considered myself a seeker, a mystic, a counter-culturalist, an artist, a healer. My entire life has circulated in these worlds and the continued pursuit of knowledge alchemized into embodied wisdom so that I might better actualize my own being. These worlds are largely intertwined with progressive ideologies, ideologies which I once subscribed to. Politics never lived at the forefront of my mind and experience, and I realize now that I made many assumptions that I could have understood more perhaps if I had more interest, or If I felt more urgency.

But this last year and a half for so many of us has been an incredible awakening. The urgency to comprehend what is occurring has arrived.

Prior to this awakening, there was the proverbial anti-fascist anti-Trump language that all progressives spewed joyfully. Though I was never engaged in this rhetoric, I was a dedicated leftist. We were there in Prospect Park, Brooklyn in May 2016 while masses of crowds gathered in wild support of Bernie Sanders. There was an incredible sense of unity consciousness within the air that day, humans of all walks of life joining forces for good, or so we felt, and a profound sense of optimism infused the atmosphere - that we could defeat the Goliaths at hand.

Two days later, the Sanders campaign was crushed by the corporate democratic establishment in a questionable series of events which left us all shocked and broken.

As I fast forward five years, I am still digesting the trajectory of what has occurred. I have completely exited the left-right paradigm, understanding as so many have said before - that these are truly two wings of the same exact bird.

Many of the same crowd that was there on that warm spring day, wildly chanting for love and for freedom, is now adamantly calling for segregation and medical tyranny. They join forces with the neo-liberal corporatist 1% powers that be to form a consortium of fascism that believes only in its own superiority. It is the most incredible thing to witness - a descent into full support of totalitarianism, and the complete justification of this ideology. I wonder, for myself, how long has the wool been pulled over my eyes - how long was I just unaware of these energies at play, moving, creeping into the hearts and minds of good people, of myself, taking over any sense of logic and reason.

We bear witness to this through the Trump phenomenon. It is very clear to me now, as journalist Glenn Greenwald has so eloquently explained - that Trump was used as a tool to consolidate hatred, as a scapegoat to blame all and everything upon, while these dark forces have been moving unchecked behind the scenes all along. Wings of the same bird. People still delight in raging against Trump, a pastime that never gets old for this lot, while what is occurring in the here and now is far beyond any tyranny that may have openly occurred in the prior administration.

Because when we are talking about segregating more than half the country, when people are calling for half the country to be locked up in their houses, to be denied basic freedoms and liberty and health care, to be ostracized from society at large, we are talking about a medical apartheid that has never been seen before in the history of the world. And yet, the mind steeped in denial and Wetiko rages on, and moves to justify madness.

The darkness has always been within, and effects us in part as much as we have the capacity to sit with our own shadow. When our shadow is more integrated, we are more able to observe clearly the darkness that is surrounding us. Because this darkness does exist. It cannot be ignored, it should not be buried. When we bury it, it rages up, as it is now, a giant swarm of thousand upon thousands of years of hidden shadow and collective trauma.

We are walking through a collective opportunity to bear witness to the deepest shadow of humanity. And many are ignoring this opportunity, as they slowly transform into the monster that they used to rage against. It is incredible to witness.

The inability to digest our interior stranger and to return to our own profound beauty, wholeness and heart centered humanity, has pushed countless into a psychosis infused with denial, a virus of the mind, a Wetiko. Many of my former writings have spoken about this descent, but it is important to name what specifically is occurring, in my mind. The naming must occur so that we have ability to work correctly with these energies. Otherwise, it is too easy in this time to become the leviathan. It is too easy to descend into this psychosis, this belief that one should have the right to dominate another.

Because this is what the energetic boils down to: domination. Those who seek greater measures of dominance and control over others have never in our human history been in the right. This energy, born from paradigms of dominance and subordination, is counter-intuitive, anti-human, and moves in direct opposition to divine will, creativity, and to life itself.

There is only one answer to this monster.

Let it go.

Live and let live.

Sink into the earth.

Remember who you are.