Take the Courage to Stand for Medical Freedom / by Maré Hieronimus

We are living in incredible times.

Over the course of the last year and a half, so many have lost so much. We are all exhausted and deeply concerned for what is to come as divisions multiply and elite power structures fortify themselves beyond imagination. We bear witness to the largest transfer of upward wealth in human history. These are complicated and incredible times.

Some of you know that I am a very strong supporter of Medical Freedom. I feel very deeply in my bones that each of us is entitled to choose the medicines that we take into our sacred bodies, and each of us is entitled to stand in this divine sovereignty. This is born from my life as a deep seeker, and the fundamental experience and belief that we are the ultimate keepers of ourselves - body, heart, mind, and spirit.
This is what it is to take full responsibility for our being-ness.
This sentiment is expressed through all my work in The Sacred Body.

To take this choice away from a human being is a violation of
the most basic order of human rights and sovereignty.

What I see occurring in the United States, and all over the world, I find deeply troubling. The rights of human beings who walk a different medicine path are being absolutely violated and stripped. People who refuse an experimental pharmaceutical drug whose trials do not end until 2023 are now being treated as second class citizens in NY, LA, New Orleans. Australia has turned into a police state. France is up in arms attempting to shoot down a "health passport" that prevents the uninjected from buying groceries. I find this all fascinating, and deeply disturbing, because the truth is that the experimental injections in question do not stop transmission of the virus.
This was always known. And yet, people believe still to this day that it does.
This is a fallacy.

I have delicately balanced my passion for sacred human sovereignty and freedom with my teaching work and community. But I can no longer be quiet, and pretend that this is not occurring. Nor do I feel that anyone should.

The decision to take any medicine, from my humble perspective, is a deeply personal choice. I have known people to be injured from these injections.
I have read accounts of death.

I stand by your choice, whatever it may be.
Do you have the courage to stand by mine?

I ask you to stand for freedom of choice in whatever way you can, as we witness an incredible division where the uninjected are being absolutely targeted and scapegoated as the archetypal other, the great villain of our times.

I would suggest to you that if there is an enemy at all, which I do believe there is, that it is not your neighbor across the street who has allergies to medication, and therefore should not take these drugs. No, this person is not your enemy.
The enemy is the elite of the elite, who willingly pit us against each other - black verses white, man verses woman, injected verses uninjected. Our division supports their domination. Their wealth and power has only been consolidated over this incredible period of time, while most all others have suffered enormous losses on so many levels.

If this is offensive to you, then so be it. I ask that you simply unsubscribe from my work. I believe that this is too important not to speak to, and too important not to address, as a woman whose entire body of work is around soul evolution and the sovereign sacred body, while witnessing the oppression of massive numbers of sovereign souls all over the world.

I will end with this thought.
When one gives over all bodily autonomy to the state, this is a very slippery slope, the stuff of science fiction nightmares. This is the path of mandates and passports, a path where there is no room for another way, no room for another truth reality. And this, in its most fundamental form, is medical fascism.

May the great spirit walk with all of us as we enter these incredible days ahead.