Welcome to the Awakening / by Maré Hieronimus

The FDA approval, for those who have eyes to see, only serves to shine light upon how absolutely and deeply corrupt the systems that we live within are.

That these systems would ignore 600,000 adverse events, 13,000 deaths, all while the FDA & NYTimes ridicule Iver***, which has been used in humans for over 40 years, annihilating a river parasite that caused blindness in the elders of entire human tribes in Africa. This drug has unequivocally dremonstrated through multiple studies and over time it’s complete safety and efficacy in the treatment of the virus which shall not be named.

The Indian Bar Association is suing the WHO over this, because Iver*** works, and it is safe. This is a drug that is un-patented and therefore extremely cheap. And everyone knows it, everyone except the FDA and NYTimes, and those people who take what they print as sacrosanct.

We are living through a science fiction novel where the truth is truly hidden. I will say it again - I do not pretend to know the truth - I am only someone who swears to seek it out, and to live my life by what I feel is just and right. And what is occurring all over the world is not just.

But as I have said before, if you are not able to feel in your gut the incongruence of the many stories, the lies upon lies upon lies that have been propagated as the only “truth”, then there is no way I, or anyone else can help you understand that you are being fundamentally deceived.

But some are awakening - some are wondering how long this will continue…

Some are wondering what the hell is happening to our brothers and sisters in Australia and New Zealand, Scotland and France.

And some are wondering if a medical segregation in NYC and San Fransisco and New Orleans is really just.

And some are wondering if the experimental injections work so well to protect, then why are hospitals in Israel, one of the most inoculated countries in the world, overflowing with the injected? And what happened in Massachusetts?

Some are wondering why it was not made clear that these injections do not stop transmission.

Some are wondering why all the censorship.

Some are wondering why the disregard for the inventor of the PCR test, Dr Karey Mullis, who specifically said you can find anything in anyone if you look hard enough and that PCR should not be used as a diagnostic.

Some are wondering why the inventor of mRNA, Dr Robert W. Malone, has come out in opposition to the injection, and is now being slandered.

And some are wondering why top former ex Pfizer scientist Dr Michael Yeadon has also come out so strongly against these injections, and is now also being threatened and slandered.

Some are wondering why the totalitarian measures and why the one world narrative. For paths are many, and what is right for me cannot possibly be right for everyone else in the world.

This is only common sense.

But common sense does not mean anything anymore.

Yes, we have been lied to since the very beginning, since the Ferguson Model that was used to shut down the entire world.

For those who are beginning to question more - Welcome.

We have been waiting for you.

We are all races, genders and nationalities.

We belong, above all, to the human race.

We understand that if there is an enemy at all, which I do believe there is, that the enemy is not each other.

The enemy is the elite of the elite, hidden puppet masters in a game of chess whose wealth and power is immeasurable by our standards, and who seem to care only for their complete domination.

Rules for thee, and not for me.

We believe that it is much easier to demonize the other, the stranger who lives across the street, than it is to look deeper and to understand that things are not so black and white, and there is a much larger game at play here.

We believe in the right to bodily autonomy and freedom of choice.

We believe that you should have the very last word in what enters your sacred body.

We believe that freedom of being is our divine birthright, not because the government says so, but because we are human beings born to be liberated.

This is a great moment to be alive.

This is a great moment to connect with our ancestors and to remember our human legacy.

This is a great moment to be guided by our better natures, and to aspire to become the great beings that we came here to be.