Medicine and The Great Mystery / by Maré Hieronimus

“ If you wish to understand the Universe think of energy, frequency and vibration.”

~ Nikola Tesla

The human being is a miraculous organism. Our incredible design has evolved over millions of years to express a beauty and an intelligence that is masterful. Like the human soul itself, the living human organism reveals the presence of a mystery that is beyond our rational experience and comprehension. There are countless secrets to our human nature, consciousness and biology which may never be fully known to us, and perhaps this mystery experience is a part of the living soul of life itself. To crush this mystery is to crush her undeniable brilliance.

As we move out of the reality and understanding that the world is not simply a series of expressions of hollow physical matter strung together haphazardly, we exit a paradigm which has been in operation for hundreds and thousands of years. This paradigm has formed the foundation of western science, medicine, and understanding. This consciousness has forged the empty monuments and icons of our time.

Through this slow exodus, we begin the movement into a consciousness which embraces life as a miraculous chorus of harmonious and synchronistic waves and particles, springing from quantum phenomenon, shaped and molded by our thoughts, history, ancestry, feeling and electromagnetic experience. We cross this threshold of understanding into the experience of the unity of matter and spirit, and enter an entirely different world view than the one that is full operation today.

This new paradigm, which embraces the mystery wisdom of nature, spirit and life, exists in direct counterbalance to the strange powers that hold sway in our current consensus science, medicine and government, powers which express themself through all limbs and forms of this antiquated apparatus.

If we examine the foundational premise of the experimental injections being forcibly mandated all over the world, we see that the functioning of these drugs is based upon the inversion of nature's wisdom, and the subversion of our own innate biological intelligence.

The whole notion of the success of these injections rests upon an incredible hubris: the arrogant assumption that we know better then the miraculous movement of nature. Through these injections we attempt to trick nature and biology herself, relegating the wisdom of her ways to a footnote in a novel, when it should be the great book itself.

The foundation of such a consciousness - one that bases health and science on such trickery - is one that believes itself superior to the natural world in every single way. This is a consciousness which has extracted itself from biological and cellular wisdom, and has the ignorance to posit that nothing negative can come from this total arrogance and extraction.

This is the kind of material that creates a fertile ground for total human demise and descent into darkness. It reflects the movement to genetically tinker with, and to transform the biological and spiritual brilliance that has evolved over millennia. This is a pathway into the mergence of man and machine, the pathway of artificial intelligence, where some humans actually possess the grotesque madness to believe that they have the right to very literally play God.

I am not a scientist, I am one who seeks truth in the mysteries, one who beholds the wisdom and incredible beauty of a flower, one who looks for medicine in the plants and in the water and in the good fresh air, one who believes that we have evolved along side the flora and fauna in miraculous and intellectually inconceivable ways, that the intuitive wisdom of nature’s brilliance is so wildly profound that to know this wisdom is to become one with the mystery of life itself.

The notion that we know better through our trickery, our hubris and our ignorance is so obscene that it is laughable to me. When we pretend that we are God, and forget the living spirit that pulses through all and everything, we move in opposition to this vital and divine force.

I would wager everything, and more, that the science of the future, expressed so poignantly by the sheer genius of Nicola Tesla, is a science which will operate in full harmony with the power of the natural world, and will support and bolster her divine functioning, rather then attempting to override her cellular and cosmic intelligence.

I would wager that the medicine of the future will not attempt to undermine such brilliance through treachery, but rather will build upon this miracle of life, and will celebrate every aspect of it through light, sound, touch, smell and taste.

I would wager that the science and medicine of the future will be interwoven with the understanding of the expression of consciousness as a quantum experience - and that we have, through our own potential, a profound ability to heal ourselves when we align with nature’s divine template, which is the movement of cellular wisdom and mystery itself.

The irony as I see it is that through this profound humility, through honoring the wisdom of nature and the sacred spark that resides in all sentient life, through supporting the natural unfolding of this profound beauty and mystery, we begin to know ourselves as a part of the divine living web.

We cannot experience our own divinity through treachery and dominance, but we become this divinity by aligning ourselves with the mysterious flow of life that sings in all things.

We can experience this absolute brilliance through harmonizing with these forces, and through this great alignment, we come to know ourselves as a part of an incredible miracle.

We come to know our own godliness.

This is the great mystery path that I have set myself on, along side so many others. The wisdom contained within these codes, within this divine organization - within our own DNA - is so profound that it is impossible to chain and to box.

It impossible to dominate.

It is impossible to destroy.

Like the great weeds that grow through the cracks, her profound resilience and beauty continues on.

All we need to do is synchronize ourselves with this beautiful movement, and watch the profound unfolding of our own sacred being.

May it be so.