The Process of Individuation / by Maré Hieronimus

Carl Jung on The process of Individuation

( which is a process that walks hand and hand with )

The Process of Awakening

Quotes from the Women’s Ceremony of 9/11

“ And this being has body, soul and spirit, and is, therefore, the principle of life itself, as well as the principle of individuation. It’s nature is spiritual, it cannot be seen, and it creates an invisible image.

The help which alchemy affords us in understanding the symbols of the individuation process is, in my opinion, of the utmost importance.

Individuation is a philosophical, spiritual, and mystical experience.

Individuation does not mean that man has become truly human as distinct from animal, but that he has become partially divine as well. That means practically that he becomes adult, responsible for his existence, knowing that he does not only depend on God, but that God depends upon him. “