Break the Chains / by Maré Hieronimus

“Liberalism is the handmaiden of Fascism”

~ Theodor Adorno

The left has gone mad, and I do not say this lightly. It has been captured by the globalist corporate forces that are moving very quickly towards a one world rule using fear and domination as their weaponry.

I say this as a former progressive who believes in freedom, liberty, sovereignty, unity, love. I say this as a woman who loves her family and this good green earth, who loves nature, spirit and life. I say this as a seeker, a mystic, as someone who aspires to healing and to wholeness. I say this as one who may disagree with you because of your choices, but would never dream of taking away your right to choose.

Watching the left rise as a segregationist cult who attacks anyone that does not believe in what they believe is chilling. Witnessing former friends parrot the agendas of an aspiring globalist empire is heartbreaking. Experiencing former friends shun me because I do not believe in medical apartheid is horrifying.

I do not say this as a victim.

I feel fully empowered in my voice and in my spirit, and in my right to move to choose my own destiny. I do not say this to even stoke the flames of separatism, violence and hate.

I say this because it is the truth as I see it here and now - and it must be said. It is imperative that human beings understand that if you are following the road of silence, if you are not speaking up in some way against the worldwide segregations that we bear witness to today, then you are in alignment with the forces of domination, imperialism and violence.

You have fallen out of alignment with with the sacred flame which seeks unity, freedom, clarity, harmony, and love.

You have arranged yourself along side forces that are the inversion of these great and noble principles, and no amount of convincing yourself that it is right will make it so.

It is time to step into the light, break the silence, and align with the forces for the highest good. For liberalism is the handmaiden of fascism, protecting the interests of the most elite, which serve to protect the interests of the bourgeoisie.

Break the chains that bind.

Photo by @substratumfilms 💜