The Fire of Initiation / by Maré Hieronimus

All over the country, and all over the world, we have men and women who are undergoing an initiation. This profound initiation begins with the outright rejection of an experimental drug, or, the outright rejection of its accompanying medical fascism. Through this rejection there is a deep sacrifice, of all the privileges that go along with full compliance to a dying empire.

Within every ritual initiation process, we enter into a fire. The fire is a sacrifice.

Within the fire we are asked to release certain attachments. We cannot pass through the portal of initiation if the attachments are not released.

It is impossible.

But through this sacrifice, through releasing the attachments that we may have to society, community, even to our own stability, by placing our faith in the truth of inner experience over the dictums of an incredibly sick society, we grow in spiritual courage and strength.

Through this initiation process, we connect ourselves to the deeper strata of our being, and to that which is most important.

There are so many souls rising day by day, souls who stand in the sacred fire, souls who are walking through this threshold space to say no.

And with this no, each soul is also saying a resounding yes.

This is a yes to the living heart, and a yes to the living spirit.

This is a yes to liberty, to love, to life, and to freedom.

Through this initiatory passage, we awaken the sleeping lion, the one who loves all, the one who stands on the sacred mountaintop in the winds of freedom and beauty and claims sovereignty as an undeniable birthright.

This is the initiation that we each are passing through now.

The sacrifice is painful.

It is painful to let go.

It is painful to feel forsaken.

It is painful to watch brothers and sisters all over the world lose everything.

But I also see the power of the lion in the heart rising. This power is ushering in a deeper spiritual evolutionary process that is miraculous to witness.

When we let go the constructs, the lies, and the obedience to a sick state, and stand on this beautiful mountaintop within our own sacred circle, we stand for all of life and humanity.

We stand for the freedom of our precious children, and for our grandchildren.

Oh what a beautiful day it is, to have the privilege to stand with so many sovereign souls, for such great things.