Men of the Ages
Never in the history of the world have we been so in need of men who have reclaimed their divine masculine birthright, aligned with spirit, upholding the sacred nature of the high sacred feminine, to step forward in deep integrity and courage in the protection of our human race.
Never before in human history have so many men and women simply lost their way so entirely.
This culture speaks of toxic masculinity
( which no doubt does exist ) and moves to totally disempower the sacred masculine, but speaks not so much of it’s counterpart - toxic femininity - and the inverse of the high sacred feminine.
The truth is that what we are witnessing now is the full activation of the inversion of sacred polarity and divinity.
Both of the great and sacred polarities have been purposefully confused and scrambled, so that we no longer can recognize the incredible power inherent within our natural and unadorned human biology.
This power has absolutely nothing to do with whom one chooses to have sex with.
The activation of this power has everything to do with coming into deep resonance with our natural and expressed biology - which is in of itself an expression of the sacred forces of life and cosmos. It has everything to do with the form and function of the nervous and endocrine systems, interwoven with the spirit worlds - and the very ascension potentialities innately present within the human body.
Women have been led to believe that their greatest gifts and powers are interchangeable with men, and have nothing to do with the sacred activation of the womb.
Men have been led to believe that their greatest gifts are purely toxic, and that their very existence is an abomination.
For what is it truly that communion with the cave of the womb teaches us, as women?
Does it not guide us into the depths of our collective darkness?
Does it not sing to us of the secret and untold mysteries of life and birth?
Does it not help us to remember the great pause before the breath - the rest before the movement - the dawn before the day - the winter before the spring, the dark before the light?
Does it not teach us of patience, compassion and nurturing, does it not reveal to us the mystery of it’s dance through the dark mystery itself - and the winding path that brings each girl into the power of her true womanhood?
And for the sacred masculine, whose time has come - what is it that your own sacred biology, in its highest form, teaches you?
Does it not reveal to you the straight and narrow path into the high sun, the pure light of day, the power of the witness, which is the very power of the godhead itself?
Does it not show you the way of strength and clarity, does it not speak to you of sacred boundary and sacred sword, does it not show you the garden in mid-summer - the full expression of our world for all to know and to see?
Does it not teach you of courage and self service, of the sacrifice of the ages that gives birth to the crystal light that shields us all?
Are not these arts largely lost to this world, just as all sacred lineages have been purposefully severed so that each and every human being lives in eternal amnesia of their own innate divinity?
The time has come.
Men of the great ages, hear our call.
Come take our hands, join us in the great circle, make your divine hearts known, step into your birthright.
The forces that rise now want nothing more than for us to forget our innate and sacred biology and nature.
Nothing would please them more than for us to fall deeper into amnesia, perpetual self-loathing, and hatred, born from lineages of eternal trauma so that we loose our sacred way, once and for all.
You are not an abomination - you are the great sun ascending over the dark horizon, Adam to the Eve - Ram to the Sita, and the true break of day.
As one rises, so shall the other.