Progressive Hypocrisy, White Supremacy: How the Pandemic Revealed Progressive Pharisaism By Kevin Jenkins by Maré Hieronimus

The following is a powerful excerpt from an essay by Kevin Jenkins. I will post the entire essay on my website, link in bio - Healer’s Lore. So much is not as it seems in this world, and we must properly comprehend the energies at play, in order to align ourselves with the light, rather than the shadow.

Progressive Hypocrisy, White Supremacy: How the Pandemic Revealed Progressive Pharisaism

by Kevin Jenkins

August 13, 2021

For years white Progressives colonized and warped the civil rights movement beyond recognition, and the more privileged and indoctrinated black people let them do it in exchange for self-aggrandizement and a few crumbs of attention. Charlatans co-opted civil rights rhetoric and transformed it into an empty, regressive, status symbol, something trendy they could post on social media to proclaim their supposed moral superiority while doing nothing for black people or other minorities. I repeatedly cringed in horror as they replaced our stories of strength and resilience with a narrative of weakness and victimhood.

To my Progressive friends: banding together with your mob buddies online to force people into adopting your rhetoric and hollow symbols of support is not civil rights advocacy. Accusing anyone who disagrees with you of hate speech and trying to silence them is not civil rights; it’s despotism. Stop performing your tyranny in the name of black people. We do not need to be negatively associated with your pathological desire to dominate others. Black people can no longer meaningfully discuss our sense of racial identity because you cheapened the civil rights language and robbed it of all meaning. It is you who are threatening our civil rights by making the civil rights movement as repressive and unpalatable to the masses as possible.

I am tired of trying to absolve you of wrongdoing as you pretend that your self-righteous, social justice displays are anything more than self-interested virtue signaling that you use to get others to fall in line with your pet goals. I tried to see the good in you, to tell myself that your heart was in the right place, but this past year disabused me of that excuse.

Contrary to your empty slogans, we were not all in this together. While you were hiding away in your capacious apartments and vacation homes from a virus that you erroneously believed would kill instantly all whom it touched, you let black and Hispanic people expose themselves to the supposedly fatal risk to pick up and deliver your groceries, take-out food, and Amazon deliveries. Who cared if they died? Suddenly, black lives didn’t matter quite so much, did they?

Now the very black and brown people whom you had exposing themselves on a daily basis to the virus that you feared, the people who are most likely to have natural immunity as a result of running your errands, you seek to punish and segregate from society much like blacks were segregated under Jim Crow.

And while many people lost their jobs and could not pay their rent or mortgage, you were comfortably working from home and continuing to earn your sizeable salaries. Many Americans are now on the precipice of evictions and foreclosures, but you are ready to swoop in with the capital you built these last two years so that you can now buy up their homes as investment properties and vacation homes.

How dare you pretend that we are all in this together? You impoverished classes of people and now you want to add insult to injury by ostracizing from society the very people you continually benefited from. You may have “Black Lives Matter” signs in your windows, but your white supremacist mentality quickly comes apparent when your self-interests are at stake.

As vaccination status becomes your shibboleth, “vaccine hesitancy” is quickly becoming the contemporary version of the White Man’s Burden, though you are, of course, too politically correct to use such language. For seven months now, black people have had to endure Progressive politicians and the media cast black people as ignorant and discuss “educating” us into compliance.

If you think that kind of rhetoric is okay, you are not an ally. If you put up Black Lives Matter signs and blacked out your social media last year but are silent now, you are not an ally. If you assume black people are just too stupid to or ill-informed to get vaccinated instead of as intelligent people with our own innate sense of agency, you are not an ally. If you think that it is acceptable for the government to, in disgraced Governor Cuomo’s words, put us in cars and forcibly inject vaccines into our arms or, as Mayor DeBlasio decrees, segregate us from society until we are vaccinated, you are not an ally.

You are a white supremacist who believes that you are superior and more intelligent than black people and that your supposed superiority entitles you to decide for us black people what we should do with our bodies and to socially engineer us to meet your desires, just as imperialists have done throughout history. And just like oppressors throughout perpetuity, you claim moral righteousness, couching your elitist, self-interested ideas of tyranny in the language about the public good. You made an art out of acting in your self-interest while convincing yourselves that your self-interest is for the good of everyone. The more educated you are, the more adept you are at rationalizing your oppression of others. If you cannot see this problem, that’s because you are part of it.

Simply because we blacks refuse to be obedient to the wishes of the white ruling class, like our ancestors before us, we are disdained as ignorant monsters. Your professed intention to disregard our autonomy and displace our decisions, your low regard for our intelligence, your sense of entitlement to our bodies all show that we are correct to distrust you. Since you were unable to overcome our distrust with propaganda and cheap ploys, your plan is to punish us severely for our disobedience by removing us from society altogether. We are, after all these years, still stuck in the same abusive relationship in which you see us black people as mere accessories to yourselves, not human, just objects to be controlled and removed at your whim.

No, we blacks do not need to be “educated.” We do not need to think like you and blindly trust government like you. You are not better or smarter than us. Just because you are divorced from the natural order and your own bodies does not mean we need to be. Our outlooks are not inferior simply because they differ from yours. Deviation is not deficiency. And, notably, it is your culture’s Progressive values that repeatedly result in inequities, exploitation, dependence, and the destruction of the very things that sustain life and community. No, we absolutely do not need to be like you, Progressives, paving the way to hell with supposedly good intentions.

Do you not see how incredibly offensive it is to assume the inferiority of every black person who fails to be obedient and comply with Progressive goals? And then to use that assumption to displace black people’s own “lived experiences” (in your parlance), wisdom, and beliefs? You don’t see how you are merely continuing the long legacy of colonialism by deeming our experiences and choices invalid simply because liberal elites said so?

You tell yourselves that you are on the right side of history and that this is for the public good, but that is a rationalization that all oppressors tell themselves. Nobody who ever robbed groups of people of their autonomy, disdained them, and forced their beliefs and will on them were ever on the right side of history. No one in history who dehumanized and deprived others of rights and privileges ever had a true claim on moral authority. Expressing glee at the idea of hurting and isolating us could only come from a place of cruelty and evil. Treating a group of healthy people as dirty, diseased, and dangerous is a dehumanizing tactic that has been historically used to justify subjugating that class of people as you are doing to us now. No people who ever engaged in such tactics have been on the right side of history. You are Cotton Mather, Joseph McCarthy, and Hugh MacRae rolled into one, not Harriet Beecher Stowe.

By tolerating or encouraging segregation, especially segregation that you know will have a disparate impact on people of color whom you claim to have sympathies towards, you have become not only hypocrites, but accomplices in evil.

On Becoming What One Hates by Maré Hieronimus

I have always considered myself a seeker, a mystic, a counter-culturalist, an artist, a healer. My entire life has circulated in these worlds and the continued pursuit of knowledge alchemized into embodied wisdom so that I might better actualize my own being. These worlds are largely intertwined with progressive ideologies, ideologies which I once subscribed to. Politics never lived at the forefront of my mind and experience, and I realize now that I made many assumptions that I could have understood more perhaps if I had more interest, or If I felt more urgency.

But this last year and a half for so many of us has been an incredible awakening. The urgency to comprehend what is occurring has arrived.

Prior to this awakening, there was the proverbial anti-fascist anti-Trump language that all progressives spewed joyfully. Though I was never engaged in this rhetoric, I was a dedicated leftist. We were there in Prospect Park, Brooklyn in May 2016 while masses of crowds gathered in wild support of Bernie Sanders. There was an incredible sense of unity consciousness within the air that day, humans of all walks of life joining forces for good, or so we felt, and a profound sense of optimism infused the atmosphere - that we could defeat the Goliaths at hand.

Two days later, the Sanders campaign was crushed by the corporate democratic establishment in a questionable series of events which left us all shocked and broken.

As I fast forward five years, I am still digesting the trajectory of what has occurred. I have completely exited the left-right paradigm, understanding as so many have said before - that these are truly two wings of the same exact bird.

Many of the same crowd that was there on that warm spring day, wildly chanting for love and for freedom, is now adamantly calling for segregation and medical tyranny. They join forces with the neo-liberal corporatist 1% powers that be to form a consortium of fascism that believes only in its own superiority. It is the most incredible thing to witness - a descent into full support of totalitarianism, and the complete justification of this ideology. I wonder, for myself, how long has the wool been pulled over my eyes - how long was I just unaware of these energies at play, moving, creeping into the hearts and minds of good people, of myself, taking over any sense of logic and reason.

We bear witness to this through the Trump phenomenon. It is very clear to me now, as journalist Glenn Greenwald has so eloquently explained - that Trump was used as a tool to consolidate hatred, as a scapegoat to blame all and everything upon, while these dark forces have been moving unchecked behind the scenes all along. Wings of the same bird. People still delight in raging against Trump, a pastime that never gets old for this lot, while what is occurring in the here and now is far beyond any tyranny that may have openly occurred in the prior administration.

Because when we are talking about segregating more than half the country, when people are calling for half the country to be locked up in their houses, to be denied basic freedoms and liberty and health care, to be ostracized from society at large, we are talking about a medical apartheid that has never been seen before in the history of the world. And yet, the mind steeped in denial and Wetiko rages on, and moves to justify madness.

The darkness has always been within, and effects us in part as much as we have the capacity to sit with our own shadow. When our shadow is more integrated, we are more able to observe clearly the darkness that is surrounding us. Because this darkness does exist. It cannot be ignored, it should not be buried. When we bury it, it rages up, as it is now, a giant swarm of thousand upon thousands of years of hidden shadow and collective trauma.

We are walking through a collective opportunity to bear witness to the deepest shadow of humanity. And many are ignoring this opportunity, as they slowly transform into the monster that they used to rage against. It is incredible to witness.

The inability to digest our interior stranger and to return to our own profound beauty, wholeness and heart centered humanity, has pushed countless into a psychosis infused with denial, a virus of the mind, a Wetiko. Many of my former writings have spoken about this descent, but it is important to name what specifically is occurring, in my mind. The naming must occur so that we have ability to work correctly with these energies. Otherwise, it is too easy in this time to become the leviathan. It is too easy to descend into this psychosis, this belief that one should have the right to dominate another.

Because this is what the energetic boils down to: domination. Those who seek greater measures of dominance and control over others have never in our human history been in the right. This energy, born from paradigms of dominance and subordination, is counter-intuitive, anti-human, and moves in direct opposition to divine will, creativity, and to life itself.

There is only one answer to this monster.

Let it go.

Live and let live.

Sink into the earth.

Remember who you are.

Choosing Freedom Over Wetiko by Maré Hieronimus

It is deeply revealing that the mere mentioning of the very real experience of medical apartheid happening here in the US, and all over the world, is so triggering for some.

It immediately elucidates the profound state of denial - especially on the left - that so many remain entrenched within. Denial of epic proportions, where we have Holocaust survivors speaking out in defense of medical freedom of choice - and people are minimizing their experiences, their words, their reality.

History repeats.

When faced with this reality of medical segregation - there are those whose very first response is not tenderness, concern, outrage. No, this massive denial includes forms of ridicule, gaslighting, shame and blame - and a complete defense of this movement into a two tiered system - rather than to take the courage to observe, to look deeper, and to oppose forces that would make more than half of the country second class citizens.

This is the Wetiko that we speak of, this is the total entrenchment and complete attachment to a system that is vile and predatory. That person after person - particularly in NYC where a V-Passport is just about to go into full effect - would move to de-legitimize this horror, would move to defend it - and to pretend that this is in any way sane, that this is “normal” - I find incredibly disturbing.

No, I will not play into these Wetiko games. Medical fascism is a slippery slope. Totalitarianism is a slithery creature. They creep into the hearts and minds of good people, feeding their lesser natures through adrenalized fear, and they demand complete compliance to their systems of domination and subordination.

No, I will pass on your Wetiko,

I will pass on your denial.

I will pass on your communitarianism.

I will pass on your commitment to a death system.

I choose love.

I choose sovereignty.

I choose freedom.

I choose life.

We were Born for this Time by Maré Hieronimus

All over the world, human beings are being backed into a corner, coerced, forced, threatened to take an experimental drug that is killing thousands upon thousands, injuring countless more, which doesn’t stop transmission, all for a disease with a 99.7% survival rate in most all populations.

All this, for a virus thh heat has never even been isolated.

Fascism rides in on Biden’s global white horse, and people still deny the reality of this incredible situation. Controlled by constant fear pornography, which I’ve come to believe is actually enjoyable for some, this certain segment begs for greater governmental control, for mandates and passports and lockdowns, for freedom to be stripped from those who do not comply, all so we can shut ourselves up into our houses again and live half lives through our pretend virtual realities.

Those who are captured by this grand spell, the witchery, the Wetiko, are so entrenched in terror and denial that no amount of logic, facts, reason and humanity will change the course of their lives, their hearts and their minds.

This is the bifurcation spoken of by so many.

This is a natural polarization, and one cannot walk through this now without choosing which road you will follow. Or it will be chosen for you.

It is up to those if us who can pierce this veil, who see clearly through the propaganda and the sorcery, to stand in our sacred birthright, in our sovereignty, and in our human heritage.

We must not, and we must never, comply.

If not here, where?

If not now, when?

The time has always been now, and the time is now more than ever. If we do not stand, we fall.

It is very clear the trajectory of this totalitarian agenda. It will only become more clear. It is undeniable at this point, and those who continue to deny live in a complete delusion fabricated by our shared trauma, and a profound loss of soul power.

We must now slowly, deliberately extract ourselves in every single way from the leviathan that is this system.

If you are in healthcare and you are mandated to take this injection, leave, and form your own private wellness practice.

If you are in education and they are forcing this injection down your throat, leave, and create a homeschool.

If you are a parent who is being coerced into injecting your own precious child, pull them out of school and place them in one of the alternative schools that will be created through this extraction process.

If you see a restaurant, a gym, a bar, a concert hall mandating injections for entry, do not enter, and do not give any of these businesses your support.

Let us begin to grow our own gardens, to become our own healer’s, to become our own craftsmen and artisans and fortify our spiritual lives.

This polarization is inevitable. And this train of tyranny is riding strong and hard towards its goal.

Our goal, in every single way - is to plant the seeds of human survival, of freedom, of love, of tenderness, and above all, of the sacred.

We were born for this time, and we have always known it.

It is here.

And we are also here.

May your wings grow and your spiritual power be fortified for all that is to come. Let us inspire each other with our love, our courage, and our commitments to truth and to the sacred flame that exists within every human heart.

Sacred Polarity ~ The Divine Alchemy of The Sacred Masculine and The Sacred Feminine by Maré Hieronimus


Comparative mythologist Joseph Campbell was able to distill down the seeds of all of the great world religions and mythologies, which speak to the deeper layers of archetypal reality and spiritual science. He wrote eloquently about the human experience being one of swinging back and forth between the great pairs of opposites of dark and light, inward and outward, expansion and contraction, Yin and Yang, Shiva and Shakti, the seer and the seen, the masculine and the feminine. This profound experience of sacred polarity is a dualistic experience, and it is the experience of our manifest world.

Beyond the field of Maya, beyond the pairs of opposites, we understand that these forces are a unified whole, expressed so beautifully by the Yin-Yang symbol. Within the symbol we see the circle that unites the dark and the light, that these halves are part of a greater entity, each containing the seed of the other. This is symbolized through the Yin seed contained within the Yang form, and the Yang seed contained within the Yin form. We can also see this symbolism expressed clearly through the mystery of the Cross - which depicts in geometric form the coming together of heaven and earth, of matter and spirit, through the crossing of this sacred polarity.

From the mystery wisdom perspective, the very dance of awakening itself is a movement into harmony and balance of these great and divine pairs of opposites.

Within the Yogic cosmology, the system which I am most familiar with, we understand that this polarity exists within each and every human being, and is expressed in infinite ways: right and left, inhale and exhale, root and crown, container and contained, Ida and Pingala, seer and seen, Shiva and Shakti.

Ida and Pingala are the spiraling primary energetic channels or Nadis that travel through the spine. These channels reflect the divine feminine and masculine energies within the self. Ida is the left nadi, which is cooling, lunar, feminine, and corresponds to the right hemisphere of the brain. Pingala is the right nadi, which is heating, solar, and masculine, and corresponds to the left hemisphere of the brain.

The crossing of these channels, of Ida and Pingala, of the masculine and feminine aspects of the self, is said to correspond directly with the Chakra system, or the main energetic centers of the human electromagnetic field. These chakras, like petals of the most beautiful flower formed of a sacred geometry, open through the process of our spiritual awakening. This sacred geometry reflects the delicate intertwinement of masculine and feminine forces within the self. The experience of awakening happens through the activation of the coiled energy at the root of the spine of each human being, which then spirals upward, awakening the Chakra centers of consciousness as it moves. Each of the seven great Chakras corresponds to an ever more expansive experience of unity consciousness, where seer meets the seen, where lover meets the beloved, where Jiva meets Shiva, and their sacred union expresses itself through a divine petaled geometry.

This is a somatic and bodily experience, where we begin to set in motion the divine instrument which is our sacred anatomy, and are able to harness and channel greater light and cosmic energy through the whole being. This awakening happens through all systems of the body, but primary it occurs through the endocrine and nervous systems, which correspond directly to our subtle body and energy systems.

Sri Aurobindo also speaks of a great descent of cosmic energy occurring through the crown center, which actives the pituitary and pineal glands in the center of the skull. This corresponds to our visionary and intuitive wisdom potential though the sixth Chakra. It is through this incredible process that heaven meets earth in the center of the spine. The divine polarity is harmonized through a unified field and the seer and the seen become one.

This dormant sacred technology, from the Yogic perspective, is the inborn capability of every single human being, and is the natural unfolding of our evolutionary process. The is the anatomy of the subtle bodies, and the alchemical union of matter and spirit.

The movement to erase this sacred polarity, that there is no seer and seen, no Shiva and Jiva, no Shiva and Shakti, no masculine and feminine, no matter and spirit, is a grave misunderstanding and a dangerous error, in my feeling. When we exile the experience of sacred polarity, of the divine masculine and feminine aspects of the self - and within the manifest world - we shut down the very technology that is meant to liberate us. As above, so below, as within, so without. This sacred polarity exists as an aspect within every mystery tradition, and within all earth wisdom teachings. In extracting ourselves from this divine code, this sacred geometry, this blueprint of awakening, we cut off our own ability to become the co-creators of our deepest dreams, to experience heaven and earth in the cells of the body, and within this blessed reality.

For even in the illusion of separation there is divinity - and that is the great spiritual work - to know, to see, and to feel the hand of the divine in our world in the here and in the now.

Breaking the Spell by Maré Hieronimus


Half the country has effectively been put under a spell, a curse, a hex. I say this quite literally. The use of repetitive fear mongering language and imagery, the constant inundation of hatred for the archetypal other, the stranger, the paranoia around an invisible enemy that is anywhere and everywhere, that entirely infuses the blessed air that we breath, that creeps inside ones sacred body and overtakes it if we do not obey the government. This spell perpetuates the fear that the body is innately dirty, disease ridden by its very nature, and deserves to suffocate, that the only solution is the germ theory, a warmongers theory based upon the premise that this world is entirely unsafe and only big government and its very specific branch of ordained “science” can swoop in to save us now.

This spell demands that one give over all sense of self, sovereignty and personal responsibility to government. But if you are maimed or killed in this process of giving yourself over, the government will not be responsible. The government will not provide support, nor will the government admit it’s wrongdoing. It will only gaslight you. This spell dictates that the injected, the obedient, and the powers that currently reign, are not and will never be responsible.

How obscene.

This spell insists that the only responsible party is the other, “the stranger”, the one who dares to maintain a thread of individual sovereignty and selfhood, the one who takes refuge in plant, herbal medicine, nature, true natural immunity, and spirit, the one who does not bow down to the golden calf of “science”, the one who uses Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine, the one who says I will not live my life in total terror, the one who says my body is a sacred organism that is more powerful than you will ever know, the one who dares to walk in freedom and in beauty when they tell us that this is not allowed.

This spell insists that the total abnegation of self-responsibility, self-healing, self-awareness, self-expansion is the only answer to this world issue, to the point where those captive by this great sorcery are willing to stand by, and watch, or worse - participate - as they witness the liberty being stripped from those who the spell simply does not work upon- for whatever mysterious reason.

I have contemplated why this is for a very long time.

Fear is a most powerful weapon of control.

It is a masquerade, a grand sorcery, a mirage, where all logic and decency have been tossed out the window since the very beginning - since The Ferguson Model that told us to lockdown the planet, a model which was so embarrassingly and obscenely wrong. But it does not matter, because the spell lives on the in the faulty PCR, in the myth of a-symptomatic spread, that a perfectly healthy human being is a disease vector and must be held captive indefinitely. The spell lives on in the attempted erasure of the existence of excellent treatments long before the injections. And the spell lives on in the refusal to admit that these experimental gene therapy drugs are killing thousands, injuring hundreds of thousands, and do not stop transmission.

In truly comprehending any one of the facts listed above, or any of the other grand and countless fabrications that have been spun as the single and only truth - a web of lies that keep the willing spellbound and utterly captured in obedience - in truly shining light on any of these beautiful and simple truths - one has the ability to begin to break the spell.

Liberation is only a step away, for those who want it.

One by one, the spell must be broken.

Take courage.

The Nature of Evil by Maré Hieronimus


I have written a great deal about the need to move to release and heal ourselves from the wounds that bind us all to a culture, and to paradigms based upon principles of domination and subordination. Some of the roots of these wounds can be thought about as a twisting of the desire to know the mystery of life, and an inversion of this beautiful natural impulse. In his powerful little book, The Art of Loving, Erich Fromm speaks to this misunderstanding by peering through the eyes of a child.

When a young child beholds a delicate insect- there is a deep desire to understand its true nature. In pursuit of this understanding, it could be natural for some children to take the insect and pull it apart - limb by limb - in order to attempt to know this mystery.

But in truth, Fromm says that we are not capable of understanding mystery in this way, and through this misguided methodology, the life of the insect is taken. We destroy life, and the great mystery vanishes along with it.

Those who follow this path embody this misunderstanding. This is truly the path of self deception, illusion, and delusion, unknowingly subverting the movement of life. Through this act, one aligns with the forces of death.

The path of life grants life, refusing to force its will upon another sentient being. The child who follows this path holds the delicate insect in an open palm, allowing it to fly off when its ready. This small but powerful act releases the insect to its own will and fate, aligning with its profound beauty, mystery, and the forces of life.

This incredible metaphor told by Fromm brings to my mind the mythology of Lucifer. Lucifer, fallen angel, who ascended the spiral staircase of consciousness to bathe his being in the light of the divine, only to fall into to the depths of the underworld through denial of his own luminosity. In this way, we understand that Lucifer was a keeper of incredible wisdom and sacred knowledge, though this wisdom was inverted through his misunderstanding, and through the experience of the fall. As a result, this wisdom could be easily co-opted for ulterior motives.

It is in the simple desire to capture the essence of life, to know it’s mystery through domination, that great acts of evil are performed on a daily basis.

I believe those who align with such forces are often unaware that this is actually what they are aligning with. We see this play out again and again through time and history. And, we bear witness to this right now, where mass swaths of human beings believe control is the single answer, that domination of nature and humanity is the only and best course of action - because we are being told so. Pulling apart mystery, limb by limb, this consciousness remains blind to the incredible damage being done. There does come a time when the unaware and complicit become culpable.

There is a second kind of evil spoken about, which must also be considered more fully now. Rudolf Steiner speaks about this evil very explicitly, and has a name for this force: Ahriman.

The Ahrimanic force is a force very different than the Luciferian, in the Anthroposophical perspective. This force is a force of pure evil. This force is singularly about control. It is psychopathic, mechanical, devoid of creativity, a parasitic entity of gigantic proportion. This force is Wetiko. This force takes pleasure and gains power in the movement of technology engulfing humanity, and is devoid of all empathy and compassion. This is the force of artificial life and the very absence of the human soul. This is the force of soul-less beings. Steiner was very clear about this.

There are many highly enlightened human souls who have spoken to such beings and forces throughout time, including more recently Rudolf Steiner, G.I. Gurdgieff, and Sri Aurobindo. Whether you believe in these forces quite literally, or more archetypally and qualitatively, we can clearly observe the use of technology as a pure mechanism of complete and psychopathic domination. This reality reflects a combination of both of these forces at work - the Luciferian and the Ahrimanic. The synthesis of these qualities creates a matrix based upon principles of psychotic domination, forged out of delusion and illusion. The illusions and delusions of the Luciferian impulse assists in the creation of a great Evil. We can observe these forces both externally, as well as internally.

These principles stand in absolute and direct opposition to principles of life, nature, and of the human soul.

The medicine, the remedy, the antidote to this insanity can be found only in principles that are sourced from paradigms of nature and life. We know these principles by their qualities and by their nature. These forces cultivate harmony, love, beauty, life, synchronicity, and the great mystery. These principles serve only cyclical and life giving movement, allowing for the existence of multiple and even paradoxical realities, while honoring all sentient beings and all living paths.

This is the light of the force that allows the insect to fly free from the palm of the hand, and to meet, in its own terms, its fleeting life and destiny. This creative and sacred force is a direct repellent to the forces of the machine, the forces of control, the forces of Wetiko, and the forces of death.

As we move into an era where the powers that be clearly state that the solutions to all of our worldly dilemmas lie only in their greater measures of control, surveillance, technology, “science”, and even the mergence of man and machine, a discerning human soul will think twice about this strange and dark proposal.

The great mystery will never be forgotten.

The Alchemy of the Soul by Maré Hieronimus


Each of us has lived through tragedy. Each of us has endured losses that have broken our heart and brought us to our knees. Some of us have had multiple experiences of tragedy and immense sorrow. This is the nature of the experience of the mystery of life. The great mythologist Joseph Campbell spoke about this as the swing between the divine pairs of opposites: light and shadow, inward and outward, Yin and Yang, Shiva and Shakti, the seer and the seen, joy and sorrow. What a beautiful and monumental experience this life is- profound in its unfolding of the layers of the soul, when we allow and are supported in its incredible metamorphosis.

But what happens when a culture does not provide rituals and rites-of-passage to assist in the natural transmutation of these experiences from suffering into wisdom, from lead into gold? What happens when we have a culture which reinforces victimhood, dividing us into ever smaller categories, pitting these categories against each other constantly, while never remembering our shared humanity, our ancestral root? What happens when a culture forgets the alchemy of the soul?

Through neglecting to honor, both privately and through community, the rites-of-passage that should be occurring through such immense suffering in life, we block the transmutation process and bury the gold and the light of the soul. We remain prisoners to our own trauma and nightmares, while the path from suffering and heartbreak that is the initiation into wisdom maturity is aborted, neglected, forgotten.

It is the great forgetting.

Instead of allowing this profound metamorphosis to occur in spaces of sanctity and support, we have a culture that is obsessed with the pain body and victimhood caused by and individual and collective trauma. Through this dark obsession, growth is completely stunted, and we are never able to access the spiritual virility needed to co-create the wings to fly. We remain tethered to the notion of self as victim, identifying only with the small self, the many labels painted upon us that reflect the wounds that have shaped us. This identification can be easily exploited, and keeps humanity in a powerless state of being.

When we identify primarily with the victim aspect of the self, we identify with the aspect that is not capable of the inner alchemy that is necessary to actualize any form of liberation and innate sovereignty. A human being who is wedded to their wounds like this will never know their true power, beauty, and spiritual strength, and is easy prey for those who wish to control and dominate. This state of consciousness is a bondage, a self created and fulfilling feedback loop of our smallness, rather than our individual and immense spirit.

This immense spirit that each human being has access to is a part of all and everything, a drop of beauty in the cosmic ocean of our rapturous world. To know this great spirit is our birthright.

The Awakened and Sovereign Consciousness by Maré Hieronimus


The people who fell the very hardest for this mass movement into an incredible and ongoing singular propaganda narrative over the last year and a half are the overly educated liberal bourgeoisie.

This has been very clear.

Within this mind state there seems to be absolutely no room for questioning authority anymore. There is no room for creative or critical thought outside the box of this authoritarian regime. Within this mind state one must completely obey the authoritarians or is quickly labeled crazy, or a conspiracy theorist (CIA terminology to undermine and shut down the inquisitive mind). All this is being propagated by the major bourgeois papers, NYTimes being the pinnacle of this consciousness.

What this says to me is that these people are land locked into their intellectual terrain, completely unable to connect with their gut and innate somatic wisdom which is a tool for truth resonance. The mind of this consciousness takes what the elite outlets say as the absolute and only truth, while never doing any independent research of their own.

Pre-Nazi Germany also had a vibrant intellectual elite who bought completely into the propaganda narratives of their times. They also had the golden intellectual culture of the day, they were “highly civilized”, and felt their own deep cultural and intellectual superiority. This is a trademark of this state of consciousness - an assumed intellectual superiority cloaked in righteousness, and the need to dominate.

All of this is indoctrination.

All of this is conditioning.

All of this demonstrates the reality of a human being who has been entirely cut off from their innate bodily wisdom, and the feeling of truth in the vibration of their cells, and in the signals of their gut brain. This is a tragedy for these human beings, except this mind state is extremely dangerous and fascist.

This is why I wrote Systems of Indoctrination and the Wild Rose of the Soul ~ to help humans who are open to seeing the profound and complete indoctrination that we all have been put through by a system based upon principles of domination and subordination. And to give tools for sovereignty and awakening, exiting the matrix of the “superior intellect”, entering the matrix of bodily wisdom and the heart. The body does not lie, but the intellect and ego lie all the time.

This is a profound movement into healing, sovereignty, self responsibility, and most importantly, the allowance of other soul paths, which is the true sign of an awakened consciousness. The awakened and sovereign consciousness does not seek to control others, but seeks only to heal and master the self.

Control is the language of barbarians and totalitarians.

This is the inversion of reality that we live in, where those who seek greater control are said to be righteous, and those who let others be and move in their own unique and individual ways are dissident and criminal.

This is the Kali Yuga

Systems of Indoctrination ~ The Wild Path of the Soul by Maré Hieronimus

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Wetiko ~ A contagious psycho-spiritual disease of the soul, a parasite of the mind, that is currently being acted out en masse on the world stage via a collective psychosis of titanic proportions. This mind-virus, which the Native Americans have termed Wetiko, covertly operates through the unconscious blind spots in the human psyche, rendering people oblivious to their own madness, and compelling them to act against their own best interests.

-Paul Levy, Dispelling Wetiko

A disease of this titanic psycho-spiritual nature calls for the response of the human soul. Through opening a direct dialogue to soul and spirit, we begin the profound process that is asked for now, outside these systems of indoctrination and control which support the proliferation of the Wetiko experience. The deeper work must be done for all of us to liberate ourselves from the structures of our own bondage.

Your soul, beautiful, wild and wise, contains all the answers that are needed now.

We are the ones that we’ve been waiting for.

This is the fifth and last essay in my series on Systems of Indoctrination.

In the first essays, I explored the ways that our culture has upheld a reality that is based upon systems of domination and subjugation, rather than communion and co-creation. The continued severing of ourselves from nature, the most sacred aspects of the self, and the soul, is reinforced through our institutions of education, medicine and media. This reinforcement succeeds in breaking the human spirit down into an inversion of itself, a subversion of reality in which we easily forget our own true nature and potentiality. We identify only with those aspects of the self which are wounded, fearful, traumatized and therefore are completely unable to actualize any true sense of sovereignty and the embodiment of our own spirit.

I see the embodiment of spirit as one of the most important aspirations of our fleeting lives, and yet within the world that has been constructed for us here and now, there is very little place and space for this great aspiration. As I spoke to in my last essay, we can think of the system that we are all born into much like the Matrix. This is the case for every time in history.

But this Matrix is intensified now by the media that infuses all aspects of our life, whose projections are controlled by an elite few. It is a simulation of a very particular and dark reality, that is not the only reality, though many human beings seem to believe that it is. We are held captive in this reality through our own deep conditioning and ongoing traumas, reinforced by soul loss. We are being drowned in a lifeless simulation, gasping for the air of the spirit, never understanding fully that the world could be entirely different. We are indoctrinated into our own subservience and victimhood by a culture whose values are not based upon principles of the living, but rather upon principles of the machine, and principles of fear and principles of death.

The machine has no creative potential in of itself.

The machine has no soul.

When a human being is completely unable to imagine the pure potential of another phenomenal reality or paradigm, another system of education, another system of medicine or media, as so many are today, this is a clear sign of Wetiko.

Within the state of this virus of the mind, there are no creative solutions, because, like the machine, Wetiko is not a creative force. It is a parasite that feeds off our own fear, conditioning, and reignited trauma. It is a projection of our own worst nightmares, the horrors of the human psyche, broadcasted out into the world. It is a road to absolutely nowhere, it is a road into the wasteland, and it is the road into transhumanism, the mergence of man and machine.

This is the road that the dominant culture is on right now, though many do not fully comprehend this strange reality. This is part of the Wetiko.

This Wetiko projection is fueled by the foundational premise that there are no other solutions to our current crisis’s other than the continued propagation of paradigms of domination and subordination over nature, the earth, the virus, each other, our bodies, and over the human soul (if you even believe the soul exists). This is the foundation of the mind state that, steeped in Wetiko, can see no other way.

To question the paradigms and the path that this culture is on now is pure blasphemy, and cause for exile.

But exile from this world could be the road back to the human soul, if we allow ourselves to take it. For this culture is not well. This reality reflects an illness of the soul.

Many may never see another road.

But another road does exist.

In order to be able to imagine another reality, we must begin to engage in the deeper healing and shadow work that is asked for. This is the very first step, I believe, in exiting the simulation, the Matrix, the deep conditionings and traumas that each of us has been born into through multiple systems.

When we engage in the powerful transmutation of the inner forces within the self, when we begin to become creative masters of our own being, we see the infinite potentiality that exists in the here and now. We are no longer limited to the programming that has been set up for us, generation after generation. We are no longer limited by the systems of control which have been imprinted upon us through the structures of this extremely limited reality. With each breath that we draw, with each sacred wound that we address, we begin the process of full integration and healing. We begin the movement into wholeness that Carl Jung spoke so eloquently about through his incredibly body of work.

It was Carl Jung who created The Red Book. Within The Red Book, he documented his own deep shadow work, his beautiful visions, his profound dreams, and the incredible movement of his imagination. He documented the archetypes that he encountered in the interior landscape of his being. He understood these archetypes as forces of his own soul that needed to be seen, witnessed, and integrated into the larger constellation of his nature. He understood that as long as he remained fractured, as long as he separated himself from his own shadow side, he would never fully know the exquisite nature of his own true self. He understood that if the shadow aspects live on in exile, we as human beings remain vulnerable to our own deepest delusions, adolescents in a half-life. This is a Wetiko of our own making.

Carl Jung also understood that many would not fully comprehend the depth of his work. He understood that many would call him crazy, and that his book would be seen as a collection of notes by a madman. And so, the release of The Red Book was delayed till well after his death. I had the privilege of seeing this incredible book at The Ruben Museum, upon its release in 2009, Fifty years after his passing.

When we are not readily given tools of healing, creation and transmutation, when the very culture that we are born into knows nothing of this work, we cannot blame ourselves for not seeking it out. And yet, it is the most important work of our lives. And especially now, as we face a future that many cannot even fathom, because of their own deep programming and indoctrination into a paradigm that cares not for the life of the human soul.

This paradigm wants you to merge with a machine.

That is the dark truth, when you have the courage to look.

Many are unable to see the darkness outside of themselves, because they have not yet been able to ingest and transmute the darkness within their own being, as Carl Jung so bravely pioneered in our western world. This is not a judgement. This is a fact. This the power of Wetiko.

As we engage the shadow work that is necessary to integrate different aspects of the being, we see the darkness within. When we meet our shadow, when we meet the stranger, when we meet the journeyer, we also come closer to the divinity of the soul. We experience, firsthand that in this world, there is no shadow without great light. It is part of the cycle. As we cease to send different aspects of ourselves into ongoing exile, we begin to feel the profound creative beauty, and the exquisite flowering of the human soul. We reclaim our soul nature and our soul power. This beauty, beyond our wildest imagination, we can experience through plummeting the depths of our own being.

It is a gift beyond comprehension to those who wish to remain only in the walls of our current dominant Matrix of reality. For this reality has buried truth in its entirety. It has buried all of the darkness, and along with it, the wildflower of the soul. This darkness now rises up in front of us, and humans still are unable to witness the depths of its existence, because the shadow work has not been done. The shadow work has been buried and forgetten, like everything else of true value.

The awakening process often looks like illness, a nervous breakdown, a health crisis, or some other experience that our culture at large cannot fully fathom. Because the simulation does not understand that when a human being is expanding, growing beyond the borders of the current self, it is both painful, and ecstatic. The old paradigms held within all aspects of the being, including body mind and soul, cannot hold their shape and form. The old systems must be shed, like a snake losing its skin. The shedding process to an onlooker appears insane, horrifying, without order. And yet it is a miraculous process of human transformation, a larva becoming a butterfly.

In these tender moments and episodes of transmutation, the human being needs incredible love and support. Instead, the dominant culture anesthetizes the being, often disrupting and aborting this incredible and natural process, so that we never know our own full potential. We never know the shadow, and we never know the light.

Because too few have been allowed and supported to move through such processes, many souls are lost in the awakening experience. This is a great failure of our times, and of a society who has not supported the true movement into eldership that gives life to a robust circle of wisdom keepers. Our wisdom keepers are few and far between. In order to become a true holder of the flame, one must entirely exit the Matrix of this world that is held to so tightly. One must have the capability to see the pure potentiality of an entirely different paradigm of existence.

There are many practices that facilitate the awakening process and the inevitable movement into meeting the shadow, alongside the ecstatic layers of the self. These include dream and journey work, writing, drawing, dancing, or singing, or any deep intuitive and creative act that brings us into greater communion and dialogue with different aspects of the soul. Many of our creative systems today, steeped in Wetiko, overly intellectualize the creative experience, and therefore are unable to shepherd this process as the institutions and teachers lack the intuitive understandings that give birth to true transformation.

Another powerful tool in coming into greater knowledge of the interior landscape of the self is plant medicine. Communion with plant allies has been used for thousands of years towards this end, and to facilitate initiatory rites of passage. But, again, these experiences must be contained by a human who is able to hold that sacred and safe space. This has become an issue in our society, where many are flocking to plant medicine seeking expansion but there are very few true keepers of that knowledge. Working with plant medicine brings forth the shadow work, and there are techniques to support the delicate experiences contained within the ceremonial circle. The medicine circle is a sacred hall that should be held in the highest respect and regard. But because the Wetiko Matrix does not understand this, the sacred practice of plant medicine has often been abused, becoming just another way to attempt to dull the pain of a meaningless life.

Through becoming acquainted with our own shadow nature, through knowing the ways that we have exiled ourselves, we grow greater ability to witness the darkness in our world. We have the power to see it, where before we saw absolutely nothing. Because before, we were unwilling to excavate the psyche, unwilling to meet the stranger, unwilling to dance with the darkness, and unwilling to call ourselves home to our own sacred sovereignty and profound divinity.

When we call ourselves home, we become responsible for the self.

We become the keepers of our own soul. We do not give the soul away so easily, and especially to a government that knows nothing of it’s true makeup and composition.

When we call ourselves home, we also become the co-creator.

We become more than we could have ever possibly imagined. We become everything that we wished that we were, and nothing like the experience of what we thought.

We become the fool, the alchemist, the hangman, the queen and the emperor all in one. And we begin to harness our divine co-creative nature, which is our sacred birthright, and the potential of every single human being upon this planet.

You are not weak. You are more powerful than you could ever imagine.

The divine and intuitive creative nature that our culture has completely lost touch with, reflects

this profound Wetiko, this illness of the soul, this virus of the mind.

Wetiko is the machine, with no creative ability of its own.

It is the parasite. It has become the Matrix.

And when we are unaware of it, it works through us, it co-opts us, and we become its minions, dutiful soldiers of the Wetiko state.

We were never meant to be cogs in a machine.

We were never meant to merge with the machine.

We were never meant to be controlled by the machine.

We were meant to co-create our reality.

We were meant to be visionary.

We were meant to evolve.

And we were meant to ascend.

This is the inborn innate sacred technology that lies dormant within every human body.

This is the technology that is spoken of in all esoteric mystery wisdom teachings.

This is the gift of what it is to be human, in all our most perfect imperfections.

This is the beauty, the profound reflection of natural law, spiritual law that pulses through our veins whether we know it, or not.

As within, so without. As above, so below.

You are the Alpha and the Omega, when you take responsibility for your own soul.

You were never not that, but the illusions of this profoundly inverted reality have made so many of us all believe that we are nothing.

My greatest hope for humanity now is that as many human souls move into this profound awakening process as are ready, and exit the dark reality that is being cast for us in this incredible moment in time. This is a process, and in no way am I meaning to transmit that I know the way fully.

But what I do know is that our first step, that is - to know thyself - is the most important that we can take to move each of us out of our own imprisonment, and into a limitless land of creative potential and self liberation.

It is a step into a landscape of the incredible unknown, a landscape that is not predetermined, but that is being fashioned moment by moment through the pure expression of the wild beauty of each flowering soul, coming to know itself in its own making.

Systems of Indoctrination ~ The Corporate Media Complex  by Maré Hieronimus


This is the third in a series of essays on systems of indoctrination.

The roots of the erosion of intuitive intelligence and imagination can be traced back to several systems of indoctrination within our western culture at large. I have touched upon the education system, based on a Prussian military model, which relies entirely upon the training of the mind in logical linear development, and the stamping out of intuitive intelligence, creating “good agents of the state” who are able to follow directions and do as they are told. 

The second system of indoctrination which I’ve explored is the medical industrial complex. Through is capture by powerful and elite families, the system has fully succeeded in taking medicine out of the hands of the folk and placing it firmly into corporate control, so much so that human beings are entirely willing to give over all sovereignty of body, mind, and spirit to a profoundly corrupt industry, and without a single thought. 

The third key aspect I see which is contributing to the nullification of the imagination and complete indoctrination of the individual soul into a single hive mind is the corporate media complex. All three of these systems are instrumental in weaving a common simulated reality, a “matrix” if you will that is based upon the values and aspirations of this warped culture, fed to us by invisible hands. Of these three, I see the media instrument as the greatest Goliath, the giant virtual system pumping its tentacles into us everywhere we go. It is the monster that is making the movement into globalism and artificial intelligence or Trans Humanism possible. We cannot escape our phones, which brings us into the matrix, and very soon, the matrix will be brought directly into us. First, there are wearables, and next, there will be implantables. These are all already long in development. 

When I am speaking of media here, I am speaking of all forms of interaction with external information superhighways that enter the human consciousness. These include news outlets pumping single propaganda narratives, advertisements, movies, television and gaming which are simulating entire realities lived out in virtual time and space. I am also speaking of all forms of social media including Facebook, Google, Twitter and Instagram, etc, which are of course arms of their elite overlords, censoring and banning content and controlling narratives like never before. 

The tenured NYU professor Mark Crispin Miller, who has been examining systems of Propaganda at NYU for years, asserts that this past year, and since March of 2020, we have witnessed an explosion of propaganda narratives and censorship, the likes of which history has never seen. Of course, he has been attacked and censored for saying this. 

Any journalist who dares to question the mainstream corporate narratives is immediately called a “Conspiracy Theorist”. Indeed, questioning these narratives is no longer allowed. Progressive Journalist Glenn Greenwald is the founder of the Intercept who broke the Edward Snowden story helping US citizens to understand that we have entered a surveillance state, where our data is being harvested through the NSA. Greenwald resigned from his own paper last fall. This, after the Intercept dared to attempt to heavily censor a damning article he was writing on the Hunter Biden laptop contents around the election time. Greenwald left his own media creation, disowning it as having become just another captured agent of the corporate media propaganda state. 

There are countless stories that can be relayed around this, from the deplatforming and shadow-banning of Robert Kennedy Jr, Naomi Wolf, Bret Weinstein, Ben Swann, countless doctors including the Frontline Doctors, Dr Christian Northrup, Dr Peter Martin, Dr Paul Thomas, Dr Thomas Cowan, Senator Ron Paul, Senator Scott Jensen, not to mention the Independent Journalists who have taken it upon themselves to do primary source research, including Cory Morningstar, Whitney Webb and James Corbett.

These are progressives and conservatives alike, and people who exist outside the system who are not afraid to criticize what is occurring, at great risk to themselves. 

It has been made entirely clear that you will be taken down if you dare to question the propaganda narratives. From the questionable origins of the virus, to the faulty PCR test and threshold cycle manipulation, to the censorship of massive protests abroad, to the censorship of valuable early treatments including Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, etc, to the outright media denial of vaccine injury and death, this has simply become the state of things. 

Now there are reports that renegade Spanish Scientists, headed by professor Dr Pablo Campra Madrid of the University of Almeria, have analyzed the mysterious contents of a Pfizer vaccine. The list of ingredients has never fully been divulged to the public. The Spanish Scientists assert that the main ingredient is 99% Graphene Oxide, an entirely poisonous nanotechnology which has far reaching and dark implications. You will not hear any of this on CNN. Or if you do, it will be swiftly named a conspiracy. 

Whether this is true, or not, these are legitimate scientists, and their claims should be investigated and made public for all to see. Dr Carrie Madej has asserted that these injections are nanotechnology all along, and of course the media has entirely ignored her. This breaking story will be heavily censored, as it all has been. These doctors will be blacklisted and called the dreaded “Conspiracy Theorist”, which at this point seems to be a badge of honor.

Why is this? 

What happened to a free press, freedom of expression, freedom of journalism, freedom of thought? 

How long has it been like this?

To understand this trend, we need to understand several realities. First, there are essentially six companies which control all media outlets. These six companies are majority owned by two asset management firms: Blackrock and Vanguard. Second, Big Tech has deep ties to both the NSA and to the CIA, and are essentially arms of the propaganda machine. And third, that the “fact checkers” so many seem to rely upon for the truth are paid to uphold the corporate realities, and the realities of the “matrix” itself.

General Electric is the mothership of Comcast, NBC, Universal.

News-Corp is the mothership of Fox, Wall Street Journal, and the New York Post.

Disney is the mothership of ABC, ESPN, Pixar, Mirimax and Marvel.

Viacom is the mothership of MTV, BET, Nickelodeon and Paramount.

Time Warner is the mothership of CNN, HBO, Time, Warner Bros.

CBS is the mothership of Showtime, Smithsonian, 60 Minutes.

Blackrock and Vanguard are the top two owners of Time Warner, Comcast, Disney, and Newscorp, that is to say four of the six media companies that control 90% of US Media outlets. They also largely own the New York Times. 

Taking this even further, Vanguard is the largest Shareholder of Blackrock. Vanguard has a “unique” structure which makes it difficult to discern who actually is in control, but many of the oldest and richest families of the world can be linked back to Vanguard funds. 

This is the elite of the elite who own the media. 

This means that these two massive, mysterious firms largely control not only the news narratives we are fed, but the stories and entertainment that we consume, and that create the meaning of so many people’s lives. From music, to children’s “programming” to our biggest blockbusters, these stories are being pumped out by the same tiny corporate cartel. Blackrock and Vanguard also have large ownership of the pharmaceutical industry. They are moving public opinion this way and that, shifting perspectives and ideas through imagery and inundation of their specific and chosen narratives, and they are absolutely manipulating the world narratives in this way.

Googles true origin partially lies in CIA and NSA research grants for mass surveillance. Mark Zuckerberg and Jack Dorsey have ties to the CIA. All of the Big Tech Companies are harvesting our data, using it as a commodity. We are being sold off as digital property, “digital slaves”, where investors bet on our likes and dislikes, and the consumption of our goods and services. Through these platforms we are being tracked, evaluated, surveilled, and manipulated. Again, it was Glenn Greenwald who initially brought this to larger public attention years ago through his work with Edward Snowden. 

The fact checkers are then literally financed and paid for. None of them are independent, as they say. This is a machine. 

These are all things which should be investigated and researched through firsthand sources. But, unfortunately, the Google search engine heavily censors information that does not support the narratives that they are upholding. Relevant materials are ranked by the engine itself, and many are omitted altogether. Who is making these decisions? 

In these ways, it becomes increasingly difficult to discern the truth. Diversity is freedom, diversity is health, diversity is life. Lack of diversity creates a centralized control which is now occurring on a global scale. This centralized global control of information which “connects” everybody through these media monopolies does not uplift and harmonize us in our differences, but rather creates a culture of homogeneity and division where we prey upon each other. 

The news narratives also are constantly pitting human being against human being, and never - never - against the elite corporate structures of true power. All the while, the movies and entertainment we consume give us the illusion that we are taking on these corporate evils, the illusion of fighting Darth Vader, the illusion of victory over the great darkness, while the darkness continues, unencumbered. 

This is a key, in my feeling of understanding the grand spell that has been cast on so many of us. When we live life only through the media outlets, we live a half-life. We never actually slay the real dragon, we never actually walk through the fires of initiation that are called for in the true hero's journey spoken of by all the great world mythologies. As a result, we remain half-developed, half-grown, half-lived, adolescents infighting among each other, trying to prove our identity over and over again. All the while, the overlords look down, in control.

The initiatory rites that our ancestors had the privilege to walk through are lost entirely to the simulation. To underscore this shift, one needs only to look at the rites of passage of this culture, which consist largely of empty rituals where we enter induced unconscious states of annihilation through alcohol and drugs. All the great passages of life have lost deeper meaning, as we all check out into the oblivion. The movies and media give us our meaning instead. The movies give us a half-life.

It is easy to understand, in this way, that we are actually living in a simulated reality, literally shaped by the media outlets themselves, and the invisible hands of its owners. This is a reality that is not unlike the Matrix. Because who needs to exit the Matrix, when you have already watched the movie, and you believe that you actually have. The human body has been misled, through firings of the nervous system and imbalances of the endocrine system, all while we sit in a chair, doing absolutely nothing. The simulation, the movie, the game, gives us only the illusion of life. It gives us a half-life.

In consuming the media of this global cartel constantly, we are placing the wild and delicate beauty of our own human consciousness into the hands of masterminds of manipulation. We are keeping ourselves in suspended states of non-living, where children from a very young age learn to live life through the media experience, spellbound by the screens and conditioned through different forms of online education. And they are also being tracked, surveilled, and preyed upon.

This media obsession has amplified the most vile, demonic aspects of worldly experience, and made possible the darkest of realities. The great simulation. 

I see this conditioning, this spellbinding, as a deep crisis of the imagination, and a crisis of the soul. Most human beings cannot fathom a world that is outside of the simulations that are made available to us through these mass media outlets, controlled largely by the elite of the elite. It is difficult to imagine another world if the creative inner life of the human being has been wiped out through an education system that does not support intuitive inner intelligence, healing, and growth. It is difficult to know the life of the soul if every aspect of media that we consume takes us away from the most fundamental human experience of breath and body. 

Because we are not meant to live virtual lives, though they will tell you that we are. We are meant to live lives in which we are fully embodied, where we run and play and sing and dance and make fires and gaze into a vast and starry night. We are meant to live in the world, and to be an integral part of it. And we are meant to know the human soul. 

In my next and last essay in this series of Systems of Indoctrination, I will explore the ways that we can free ourselves from this deep conditioning, and the ways that we break the spell. This is the path of healing, of liberty, of life, of sovereignty, of freedom.

The Birth of Two Worlds by Maré Hieronimus


Every human soul has a part to play in the creation of a new earth paradigm, if that is your path. Every human soul has a place. But it is no longer an option to remain completely silent and hide from the reality of what is occurring. Those who attempt to hide from the reality will inevitably be swallowed whole by the old paradigm. The constraints of the old world will continue exponentially, dripped in year after year, as they have done this past year, so that it seems as if these totalitarian requests are entirely natural. It is not natural. None of it is natural. This is a leviathan that cannot be transmuted from the inside. We are watching a bifurcation. We are witnessing the birth of two distinct worlds before our eyes.

I speak in mythical terms, because this is the language that speaks to the human soul, and we are living in mythical times. The soul lives in this archetypal realm, and we can use the language of myth to grow our connection and awareness, and learn the souls universal language. Myth is the language of storytellers, and the language of the deeper strata of our being, our shared collective unconscious. Rudolf Steiner knew this well.

As Steiner predicted over a century ago, in this time we are being asked to step outside the darkness, turn, and bear withess to the monster that our system has become: its willingness to abandon massive swaths of human beings, it’s willingness to sacrifice its young at the altar of “science”, pitting us against each other like rabid animals. We must turn and look, and we must know that the human soul can be so much greater than this. Those who wish to remain a part of this structure, this is a choice.

But for those who see this leviathan, now is the time to be bold, and to step out in sovereignty and resonant truth. There truly will be no in between here. You cannot live inside of the monster and not be slowly devoured by its ethos. One can either follow its regulations, or must eventually leave. Some may find this extreme. What I think is extreme is a system which forces people to do things against their will, and beyond their better judgment. This is extreme.

Now is the time to find human beings with whom you resonate deeply, whose most core and fundamental values are in alignment with new earth paradigms: deeper and profound healing of our ancestral lines, personal responsibility and absolute human sovereignty, interdependence and reciprocal relationship with the natural world, remembrance of our earth wisdom traditions, freedom, and the life of the human soul.

Because above all of it, this is truly about the human soul, in its exquisite and profound beauty. When we live a life based upon the acknowledgment of the spirit realms, in accordance with its template and resonances, outside of the grip of the systems of control, we step into a power that few of us knew existed. This is the power of the human spirit, it’s evolutionary inborn capabilities which have been mostly hidden from our view, but spoken of in our great world mythologies since the beginnings of time.

When the great Hopi Prophesies say we are the ones we’ve been waiting for, I believe this deep spiritual understanding is at least part of what is meant by this. When we step into this spiritual acknowledgment and sovereignty, the old system crumbles underneath itself, and we emerge into a world that is entirely different.

These are the two worlds that are slowly being birthed in our times. And we are alive to stand, in whatever way we feel is our dharma, and to bear witness to this excruciating and exquisite process of rebirth.

Systems of Indoctrination ~ The Allopathic Medical Industrial Complex by Maré Hieronimus


This is the third essay in a series of writings on systems of indoctrination. These essays can be found below, in the archives of Healer’s Lore.

The allopathic model of medicine is a model based upon denial and dominance, remnants of a dark colonialist past, and the complete belief in the absence of soul replaced with the golden calf of “science”.

Before I move into the profound failures that I observe in our current dominant medical paradigm, and the ways in which this model has conditioned us to believe fallacy after fallacy around the processes of healing and wellness, I will mention two things that I feel the allopathic medicine model does well: surgeries and emergency care.

I have experienced both in my life, and have met with the prospect of death. I am deeply grateful for the care I have received in these incredible moments of crisis.

But beyond these two extreme situations, the paradigm from which the allopathic model operates is one based upon continual illness and death, rather than the affirmation of life and healing.

The allopathic model treats the body like a soulless series of mechanistic chemical reactions where there is no root cause, no interrelation of meaningful symptoms, no movement towards deeper understanding and true and actual healing. If you believe in the soul (which many do not, and therefor perhaps fully belong in the allopathic model of treatment) then you must believe that our dominant model of allopathic care is fundamentally useless for deeper and true healing.

This is because from the spiritual perspective, including profound and ancient healing systems such as Ayurveda and Chinese medicine, illness begins in the subtle realms, within the subtle body and etheric templates. It then pours forth into the physical body when the meaningful roots of the dis-ease have not been addressed and resolved. Allopathic medicine is a bandaid laid upon a soul wound. It can be nothing more than this.

The allopathic model has succeeded in completely burying emergent and meaningful symptoms that always speak towards root cause, which is a multilayered experience of body, heart, mind, and soul. In covering up root cause, the system sets people on a path of continuous pharmaceutical dependence and subordination, drug customers for life, and a continual denial of the traumatic instances and events which may have precipitated the actual illnesses to begin with.

To understand some of the profound sickness embedded within our dominant allopathic paradigm, we have to go back to the Rockefeller takeover of medicine in the early 20th century. I have spoken about this in several prior short essays. The influence of this cannot be underestimated, and must be understood to observe the fuller picture of the paradigms that our system are rooted in, and that dominate today.

Prior to this takeover and up to the late 19th century, allopathic care and homeopathic care, or natural and herbal medicine, were both considered legitimate models of healing. The allopathic model consisted of three main “scientific” techniques: bleeding of the body to drive out humors, huge doses of toxic minerals such as lead and mercury to offset the illness, and the practice of surgery (without anesthesia or infection control).

The homeopathic medicine practice was built upon stimulating the bodies natural ability to heal itself through plant and herbal medicine. These techniques were learned from indigenous and folk medicine healers in both the Americas and Europe. During this time herbalist, folk medicine and holistic therapies truly still walked side by side allopathic care. Massage, sweat lodges and water therapies were used, families still fully engaged in herbal and folk wisdom, which were the tried and true methods developed over hundreds and thousands of years, passed down through generations.

There was a saying in these times, that in homeopathic or natural care, the disease may kill you, whereas in allopathic care, the cure may kill you. This is still what we have today.

During the turn of the century, the landscape of medicine changed forever as new medical practices were discovered that were incredibly profitable, including radiation, developments in surgery, and pharmaceutical drugs. This shifted the balance of power. With investments in these burgeoning industries, wealthy and influential families such as the Rockefellers, Morgans, and Carnegies joined forces with the American Medical Association, financing the foundation of the Medical Industrial Complex that we have today.

The Rockefeller family in particular put up tremendous amounts of money to finance the universities and institutions where “science” and “medicine” was taught. These continue to be all of our main institutions today, most notably John’s Hopkins.

Giving massive donations to these institutions, they then inserted members into the board of directors at every institution financed by the family. These members of the board insured that the financial interests of the family were protected, in particular in the field of medical education. Textbooks were swiftly re-written, and natural herbal and healing methods that were not dependent upon the growing allopathic industry and pharmaceuticals were written completely out.

In this single act, and almost overnight, the allopathic model became absolutely dominant. It colonized all other models, forcing them into subordinate and secondary roles.

This is why great healers of non western medicine lineages, healers from traditions such as Ayurveda and Chinese Medicine, have historically been called “quacks”. Vicious government propaganda campaigns made in collaboration with the AMA, funded by these wealthy and powerful families, slurred natural medicine practices, naming them as unfounded, unscientific, dangerous, and useless.

This is simply and only because these systems have always considered health to be a holistic process that does not need to rely upon an external industry, but is born out of our own internal natural wisdom, basic sovereignty, and an intrinsic relationship to the self, to nature, and to our environment. In these ancient and powerful systems of healing, the body, made up of mental, emotional, energetic, and spiritual templates, is said to be self-healing when given proper support, and is reflective of our spiritual wellness on all levels, including the level of the soul.

Some people seem to believe that our medical system is getting better in this respect. But, given our current moment in time, we can definitively state that this could not be further from the truth. The foundational belief in our western world remains firmly rooted in the complete superiority of the colonialist allopathic medical model. Ancient and profound systems such as Ayurveda, Carniosacral Therapy, Osteopathic and Chiropractic care, folk and herbal medicine, shamanic and indigenous healing practices, and other treatments which integrate the understanding of the existence of the soul along side multiple body systems, are seen as extraneous therapies, rather than what they are: true models of healing and wellness.

The reverse in our perception should be true, if one believes in a human soul. Allopathic medicine should be in full service to these integrative and natural medicine systems, which support complete and harmonious healing on every single level of the being. This is, of course, unless you do not believe in a human soul.

Food as medicine, herbal and mineral support, musculoskeletal alignment and wellness, soul integration healing therapies, joy of full breath and movement, joy of living with the cycles of the sun and moon, joy of living in community support and care, all should be the first line of understanding the basics of being well.

Instead, in the year 2020 and beyond, our ministers of “health” and “science” locked an entire world up, perpetuating a fear based experience at every turn (all based upon the Ferguson Model which was found to be absolutely wrong), while basic exercise was made difficult or prohibited, breathing was constrained, exposure to the life giving rays of the sun minimized, liquor stores remained wide open, tv and screens were in full use, and human gatherings were discouraged or prohibited.

Now we observe the horrific and obscene culmination that we all knew was coming, though people laughed and attacked those who spoke this truth. An experimental mRNA gene therapy, for a disease you might never get with a survival rate akin to a bad flu, is the absolute indoctrinated expectation.

Mandates are hapenning, underscoring this culture of terror, to force this allopathic model on those who do not consent to a drug with an emergency use authorization only, a drug that is killing thousands upon thousands of human beings. People remain in complete denial around this.

The US government is expecting its citizens to bow down to this sick allopathic model and its legacy of failures, when not only do other powerful healing models exist, but when there were always other methods of treatments for this disease, including everything listed above, as well as natural therapies of High Dose Vitamin C and D, Zinc. and non-patented pharmaceuticals which were approved for safe use for more than 50-60 years prior to 2020. Yes, this includes Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin. These treatments were not only downplayed, but information around these therapies has been censored and silenced.

This bizarre and totalitarian request, including the movement to mandate these injections, to give them to our children, and to create Passports, should send a dark chill up every single human spine, and speak to the human gut as a massive signal of danger.

But it still does not for far too many.

I observe this as a full plunge into cultural allopathic madness, sparked by an arrogance and a mind state based in colonialism, driven by fear, and the movement to dominate and control human beings who believe in the life and health of the human being and soul beyond the allopathic medical industrial complex.

Not everyone believes in a soulless world.

The Rockefeller family is part of a consortium of players who, to this day, remain largely in control through patents, funding and monopolies of multiple systems within western culture, and within the world. These systems continue on through ongoing social conditioning, and what are now inborn mechanisms of indoctrination through all medical education institutions.

The choice has always been up to each of us. We are the seeds of the future, our children are the fruit. But when we are not given all information, when vital context is censored, omitted and skewed, the truth is also skewed.

This is the place humanity sits in right now.

Shepherds of the Soul by Maré Hieronimus


The journey of each human soul is profound and mythic. It is the most epic story that we can possibly imagine. It contains within it the beauty and power of the most monumental archetypes and legends, and it is the stuff recited by the greatest storytellers throughout the ages of life on Earth.

Each soul tapestry contains within it the most delicate embroidery, the most complicated twists and turns, the most incredible victories and the greatest tragedies. This ecstasy and sorrow lie at the center of every human heart. In the field of maya and duality, it can be no other way.

This is the very nature of the human experience. These are the oceanic waves of Shakti herself, the rhythmic and continuous beauty and suffering as we swing between day and night, dark and light, expansion and contraction, pain and ecstasy, seer and seen, witness and experience, internal and external. These pairs of opposite exist, and do not exist.

Beyond the pairs of opposites is the great field of unity, the profound and conscious understanding of the wholeness of all of the many parts, and the oneness of light and shadow.

This truth is expressed in infinite ways in every moment through our earthly experience: that the day and the night are but a reflection of a single unified movement of the passage of the sun; that the inward and outward shifting of the tides expresses the cyclical stations of the moon, that the magnificent mountains and the deep valleys of the heart are part of a much larger weaving of exquisite beauty and epic dimension. This beauty reflects the movement of the great path directly inward into the Self, which inevitably is also the direct path outward into cosmic consciousness. It is both inward, and outward.

When we begin, on our own terms, in our own language, and through our own sacred experience, to track the journey of the soul, to listen to the soul’s voice, to feel the winding path into the center of our cosmic bones, to witness the depth of our experience, we become shepherds of the soul.

There are infinite ways to commune with the soul and listen to soul story.

We can do this through engaging dreamtime, deep sensing into the wisdom of the body, listening to the song of one’s pulse, singing the melody of one’s experience, dancing one’s soul mythology, or composing soul prose. We can work with plant, animal and spirit medicine and guides, engage sacred objects and talismans, sacred sites, and sacred books. We can work with the mineral kingdom, shining light through crystal prisms which reflect and refract into the the subtle body, building our luminosity through our own incredible healing. We can work with methods of divination, not to determine what we think might come to pass, but to unearth the impulses, ingredients and bones of our own mythic unfolding.

The techniques are endless, and become unique to each of us, as unique as the path of one’s own being.

These techniques and forms help us to learn the language of the soul, and help us to commune with the deeper aspects of one’s being. In learning the soul language and story, we begin to truly bear witness to the profound and winding journey that each of us has been on.

It is only then, through our own embodied and unique experience of soul voice and expression, that we truly begin the long and winding path back into the heart of our own sacred divinity, and into the realization that we were always whole, we were never lost, we were never broken, we were never separate, we were never alone.

We become the seer and the seen, and are unified through the process of our own profound and expanding awareness. This is the phenomenal voyage that each human soul embarks upon in every incarnation.

The Psycho-Somatic Process of Spiritual Awakening by Maré Hieronimus


What does the awakening process look like? Many people are misguided to believe that in awakening we move into a bliss state where we exist in constant ecstasy. Though ecstatic experience is one aspect of awakening, it is not at all the full picture.

Awakening often looks like a health crisis, nervous breakdowns, and episodes of illness. The reason for this is that when we move to purify the system, our trauma patterning, our conditioning, understood as karmas and samskara through the Yogic and Ayurvedic traditions, must come to the surface. There is no other way. They must move through our experience to be born out into the ethers of space, integrating back into the cosmos itself.

The emergence of these patternings through all systems of the body is the awakening process. All trauma patterings must be experienced through the soma of the body in order to be released.

What happens when a culture does not recognize that this is what is in actuality occurring to a human being entering into the sacred halls of illness? What happens when these states are not honored as necessary physical and psycho-spiritual shifts of consciousness which cannot be passed over in this process? The complete lack of understanding and support around this incredible process then precipitates the submergence of the awakening transformation itself.

When we do not have the support to move to the root of any health crisis, then the awakening experience is aborted, blocked, discontinued.

How many souls have been misguided to believe that their incredible awakening is just a physical or psychological illness? This is the misguided base consciousness that we are working with in our culture.

To facilitate  our own deeper awakening and transformation we must have the support necessary to move into the forest of our subconscious, experiencing the profound revelations of our deepest conditioned patterning in order to transmute these experiences into the flowering of our own profound expanding  awareness.

This is why, in actuality, every illness is a gift, however painful the experience. It is the inevitable emergence of karmas and samskaras shifting through the etheric, subtle, and physical sheaths. It reflects the process of awakening itself, and every disease becomes an invitation into the sacred ceremonial halls of greater healing and expanded consciousness.

Photo of the Sacred Datura Flower by Jeremy Frindel

Healing as the Greatest Gift by Maré Hieronimus


Devotion to our own personal and ancestral healing is the greatest gift that we can give ourselves and our loved ones, and one of the most important commitments of our lives.

Without this devotional key to unlocking and transmuting our own trauma patterning, we remain in suspended states of disembodied life, unable to actualize the fullness of our being, unable to see life more clearly.

The healing process, like all great creative acts, is a poetic, cyclical, intuitive and somatic experience. Healing happens in the soma of the body, just as the experience of awakening does.

Both painful and ecstatic, healing necessitates that we have the courage to walk though our own suffering, meet our own shadow nature, and take deep responsibility for our own energetic matrix. It asks us to unearth what has been buried, and to free the energies of the body systems so that we might more fully integrate. Most importantly, It asks us to no longer give our power away to another, but to anoint our own being with the crown of our own humble and exquisite divinity, and to become both sovereign and holy unto ourselves.

We cannot talk our traumas out of the body. We cannot force the life of the soul into an intellectual language and experience. The language of soul and spirit exist within a dance, a song, a poem, the rising sun, the waxing and waning moon, in the tears that we weep, in the holding of a loved ones hand. This soul experience is not easily translated into words, but we know it when we feel it.

It is in this gentle act of courage, the courage to deeply feel, to sense, and to allow through one’s own embodied experience, that we are able to move closer to our soul mystery, and the experience of one’s own being, pulsing with all and everything.

This again, is yet another process that our culture knows truly nothing about. And yet it not only exists, it is, in my feeling, the most important act of our fleeting lives. Otherwise, the gift of life is passed over, and our path is at the mercy of those who we think know better.

You are the only and single being who Is the keeper of your soul.

Wild Rose of the Soul by Maré Hieronimus


The holding of sacred ceremonial space for women is a profound honor and joy. Engaging in these deep practices feels like it is a true soul calling. It nourishes a very sacred aspect of my being, the aspect that longs to be reunified with the divine wisdom and ecstasy of spirit.

When we take the time to anoint the self and step into the flow of the wild beauty of spirit, it is a most profound and humbling experience.

How could we hate ourselves for our darkness, when we see it is but a shadow of an immense light?

How could we bury the most beautiful aspects of the self, the wild rose of the soul, and keep that wild beauty cut off from the forest of our being? The exile of the divine queen.

When we engage the language of soul, when we enter into the archetypal and spirit realms, we begin to see the long and winding journey through the wilderness that each of us has been on.

The wild woods of the psyche, the deep and sacred ancestral soul wells, the divine crown of the sun.

Sometimes we weep with sadness, sometimes we laugh with joy.

And we begin to hear the melancholic voice that has been calling each of us home, eternally.

What an incredible and exquisite journey.

Blessed Summer Solstice

June Women's Ceremony and Circle with Summer Solstice Celebration by Maré Hieronimus

June Women’s Ceremony & Circle with Summer Solstice Celebration

Saturday June 19th, 4-5:30pm Mountain Time

Throughout time and her story, women have come together to support one another along the path of the sacred feminine. Maiden, Mother and Crone; midwives, herbalists, visionaries and healers, we innately pulse with the Shakti of the Cosmos, we innately sing the songs of creation and birth, and touch death each month through the cycle of the moon. I invite you to sink into the mystery of the profound beauty of womanhood with me, each of us on our own deep journey of healing and reclamation.

This month we will be continuing our sacred work of healing our ancestral lines, while marking and honoring the Summer Solstice.

The Solstice demarcates the longest day of the year in the northern hemisphere, and the seasonal turn into summer. It corresponds to the the fire element and its powerful transformational qualities, as well as the psychic movement out of youth and into adulthood, the high noon of life, and the outward expression of all of our many gifts, like a flower growing into full bloom. We can see the beautiful expression of solstice energy all around us through the flora and fauna.

In this special ceremony, we will move to honor the fullest expression of the divine feminine as experienced through each woman. 🌹🌹🌹

To be a part of this sacred community, please visit The Sacred Body on Patreon to Subscribe,

or register through Venmo.

Please include your email address when registering.

On the morning of Ceremony, a link will be sent out with all information for preparations.

Path of Remembrance - Vision for a New Earth by Maré Hieronimus


I sent to print my final draft of Path of Remembrance yesterday, which wrote itself quietly over the course of this year. This is the first in several rounds of final drafting. The book is accompanied by the exquisite photography of my partner in life, love, parenthood, spirit, and freedom, Jeremy Frindel. This beautiful man is truly the best partner a woman could ask for.

Path of Remembrance is a wild, raw, and poetic prayer aimed at the heart of each reader. It is a plea to step into sovereignty and the flow of earth wisdom, once again.

Some of the passages will trigger the mind who holds tightly to the mainstream ethos and paradigms, but for those human beings who long to seek refuge in spirit once again, it is a healing balm for the soul.

Following the path of the months and the seasons, I offer many healing and celebratory rituals, medicinals, crafting, and recipes all in the spirit of this deep and embodied remembrance.

In the coming months, when the book is finally ready as its full offering, I plan to create a special Path of Remembrance Ceremony, which will include a plant offering gathered from the high desert of New Mexico, for those who purchase the book in the first wave.

These writings have been a labor of love, and of grief, and part of the personal medicine which helped me move through the year of the Great Awakening. The times we live in are truly profound, prophetic, exquisite in their revelations for those who are willing to look.

We are graced to be alive to witness this great turning.

May all beings be truly sovereign and free ✨✨✨

Systems of Indoctrination - The Education of the Child by Maré Hieronimus

This is the second in a series of short essays where I look deeper into the fundamental systems of Indoctrination which we have all been put through, to greater or lesser degrees. In becoming a mother, I found the whole complex around birth and care for our babies works in direct opposition to the maternal instincts which we are innately born with. This segways easily into giving the complete care of your child over to institutions that are state run, or that draw from the paradigms which form the ethos of the culture in which we were born.

What is it that is valued in a state run education, or even within our “elite private institutions” founded upon the White Castle of our western society?

There is a phenomenal post by Dr Sarah Carnes which elucidates the origins of our current education system. These educational origins actually lie within Prussia, and the formation of institutions of Indoctrination which served military purposes, so that those put through the system would be better able to take orders, without question. This came about through the military leader Frederick Willhelm II, whose army deserted him in the heat of battle against Napolean in The Battle of Jena, 1806. As a result of this complete humiliation, a system was formed that would help insure that this never happened again.This is the energetic template from which our modern day school systems emanate.

When I was young, I went to a Waldorf school. Waldorf, or at least the Waldorf of the past, was focused on education of the whole child: body, mind and spirit. There are many ways that this system falls short, but I found as a highly sensitive child, a sense of freedom and ease within that particular system which allowed my spirit to thrive. Nature, the cycle of the seasons, and the fundamental experience of beauty were all deeply honored. Tests did not exist. Mythologies and Story were the golden experience. The imagination was given voice and power. Life was celebrated. Death was grieved. Plants were tended to, Stone Soup was made. Circles were the way we gathered.

When I left the school in 7th grade, I went to a public city run school.

These two experiences could not have been more different, and this incredible transition was etched upon my soul. Two experiences stand out to me. There were lines in the center of the school hallways which completely confused me.

Why were they there? One day I asked a teacher whom I trusted, and she said it was so that students would we stay in line.

I was completely bewildered by this. Why would I need this, when I have my own eyes to see, and mind to consult with? It seemed, belittling, utterly bewildering to my young heart and mind.

The second aspect I remember most was the ongoing feeling of being out of body for a very, very long period of time. Everything from the way in which we were forced to learn, to the ugly lunch cafeteria, to the toxic food, to the teasing and violence among both students and teachers, to the constant movement to test and punish, to the herd experience which was truly a survival strategy for everyone, this caused me to live in a low level state of trauma.

This trauma state was entirely normalized by everyone around me.

What I see today is only a deeper extrapolation of this ugly and violent system.

We are teaching our children to obey orders, to be obedient and perform well, to be competitive and to destroy the opposition. Like good soldiers. And if you are not elite enough to play in the big White Castle game, than you get to be the minions of the system. You get to be quiet and guard the state. Do what you are told, or fail, and have nothing.

Where is the heart? Where is the value of the human spirit? What are we fighting for?

There is no inherent value in a system which teaches total and utter conformity, which ridicules the individual uniqueness of the human imagination and spirit. There are so many children who are not just let down by this system, but who are deeply traumatized, and actually programmed through that trauma.

You see, when we are broken, as we all are to some degree, when we are vulnerable, when we are in pain, we are easily manipulated. We are easily controlled. We become easy prey.

This is not to put blame on so many of the good teachers working tirelessly to help support the growth of our children. But when the very root is rotten, what can truly be done?

When what we are teaching them is mostly useless, what can be salvaged?

When the institutional goals are in fact to create obedient servants to the state, and not deep seekers with wild and sovereign heart, mind, and imagination, what can be said?

And now as we witness the New Normal ethos take full hold, the monster that this system actually represents lurks in plain sight.

It seems to me that the frontline against this horrible monster are the mothers and the fathers who are taking it upon themselves to homeschool their children, and pull them out of a system which wants only to devour them.

These parents are seizing power, once again, of what it is that we are feeding the hearts, minds and souls of these incredibly beautiful, impressionable young beings. They are moving to support freedom of being, imagination, and the very pulse of life itself through leaving a system that was only and always about hierarchy, obedience, and control.